Kiss Goodnight, Mr.Ji

Chapter 1763: Eyes are too hot

It's just that A Yao never thought that his sister Qing'er still had such a side.

Smooth rotation, twisted slender waist, wandering fingers, highly suggestive movements, charming smile, everyone's eyes fell on her, no matter men and women hold their breath, she was dragged by her The boy who lived was flushed and his breath was short, his eyes glued to her and he did not want to move away for a moment.

A Yao squeezed the cup in her hand, her thin lips tightened involuntarily, until Xu Ziyue laughed and said: "It seems that our Miss Ji finally moved her heart! I also saw her dancing for the first time ."

The young man's eyebrows moved slightly, suddenly put down the cup in his hand and walked to the center of the party.


Although Qinger is obsessed with academics, she has never been a nerd. When she was young, she and her brother would basically learn everything. If they were interested, then Mom and Dad would invite famous teachers to teach them one-on-one. Dance is one of them. Although she hasn't studied dance for a long time, her dance skills are very good. After coming to study in Princeton, she has also participated in several parties, so a hot dance is not for her.

But if it wasn't for the effect of alcohol, she wouldn't stand up at all, and she wouldn't make these actions like a seduce.

However, in such an atmosphere, the man in front of her with rapid breathing and flushed face gave her a somewhat weird sense of accomplishment. At that time, the thought that came out of her mind was, if what stood in front of her at this time was A Yao, will he be like the boy in front of him...

She was thinking this way, and the next second, she suddenly wore a force in her hand, and the boy in front of her was thrown out in extreme surprise and unwillingness.

That's right, it was lost, because he rushed straight to the ground. If it wasn't for the people around him who supported him, I'm afraid he would have to throw a dog at the mud.

Qinger stopped the movement all at once, looked at the boy who was rushing back and was stopped by someone, and looked at himself...

The young boy's delicate and handsome face reflected in her eyes, and he smiled, his dark eyes seemed to be a little hotter, she couldn't help shaking her head, throwing the illusion out.

"How do you..." Probably Jin Ji came up, her expression looked a little confused.

"Sister Qing'er..." He took another step and took her hand, his voice a little low, "If you want to dance, why don't you find me?"

For a moment, Qing'er suddenly felt that all his hairs were standing up, and even a coldness was spotted on the back of the beast, because...the teenager's eyes were too hot, and there was no way to compare with the eagerness of the previous boy. , But at least it shouldn't be looking at my sister's eyes.

No, no, it must be because it is at a party. In this kind of light music and atmosphere, anyone will give her the illusion, not to mention that she really drank too much, and drank too much...

"No, don't jump." She shook her head, trying to wake herself up a bit, "I'll sit there for a while..."

However, A Yao shook her hand hard and refused to let go: "But, I want to dance with sister Qing'er..."

Qinger lost his mind for a while, remembering that he had said something similar two days ago, but before she refused, the young man's hand came over and grabbed her waist.

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