Kiss Goodnight, Mr.Ji

Chapter 1768: Who likes you!

Qinger calmed down completely during the bath. After taking a shower, she stepped out of the bathroom and saw the young Qingjun's back, her heartbeat was still a little disturbed.

She coughed: "Aya."

A Yao turned around and smiled suddenly: "Sister Qing'er, you are awake."

"...Well." Qinger pretended to walk calmly, pretending to ask casually, "Yes, what happened last night? I remember I danced at the party, and I don't even remember what happened later. Yes. I drank some wine at that time, hehe... Did you drive back? Didn’t you get caught? The surveillance of that road..."

"Sister Qing'er." A Yao's voice was slightly mute, as if suppressing some emotions, "You said, don't you remember?"

Qinger jumped in his heart and looked at him a little embarrassedly: " know my drink is not very good. I didn't do anything gaffe last night? If I have any gaffe, you thousand Don’t worry about it, ha ha."

A Yao didn't speak for a while, but her thin lips tightened, and her black eyes looked at her fixedly, as if she was injured, and she seemed to be complaining.

"What... what's wrong..." Qing'er felt a little nervous. She finally came up with this method to avoid embarrassment. Shouldn't this kid be relieved?

What happened to this accused expression? It seems that she is a negative heart...

"Sister Qing'er, how can you forget?" He sighed softly. "What you said last night is very important to me."

...She didn't seem to say anything last night? Qinger couldn't help but widen his eyes: "What did I say?"

"You said, Xu Ziyue is not as good-looking as you, or as good as your figure. Since I want to ask Xu Ziyue, why not ask you?" The boy's eyes were full of admiration. "I think that the sister Qing'er said makes sense, so, I have Promise sister Qing'er..."

"Stop stop stop stop!" Qinger's face was struck by thunder, "When did I say that?"

"Sister Qing'er doesn't remember anything, can she not admit it?" A Yao stared at her.

"But I never said..."

"Since you don't remember what you said, why do you think you haven't said these things?" A Yao interrupted her.

Qinger was speechless. She glared at him fiercely, as if to make a hole in his face, but the teenager did not reveal the slightest guilty conscience, and even became more straightforward, the accusations in her eyes were stronger.

Qinger almost doubted whether she really said that!

"Ayao...whatever I said, she was drunk." She smiled stiffly. "How can drunk talk be taken seriously? Don't take it seriously, if you want to ask Xu Ziyue..."

"Sister Qing'er, there is a sentence called drunk vomiting mantra." He smiled slightly, "I don't think Sister Qinger is talking nonsense. If Sister Qinger likes me, I can..."

"Who likes you!" Qinger almost burst.

"But...Sister Qing'er kissed me strong..." he whispered.

Ahhhh! This dead boy!

Qinger almost fainted, she screamed: "Impossible!"

"If you don't believe it..." He approached her and leaned slightly, as if intending to let her see his thin lips clearly. "There are still teeth marks left by Sister Qing'er..."

Qinger stared at the pale pink lips of the teenager, thinking of the kiss last night uncontrollably, her mind exploded again!

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