Kiss Goodnight, Mr.Ji

Chapter 1770: What is together

"A Yao, you can't think of it this way..." She tried to make her tone calm and serious. "I never taught you to let other people's wishes come first? Your own life is the most important... …"

"But Sister Qing'er is not someone..."

"For you, I am someone else!" Qinger interrupted him unkindly, "You honestly told me, what do you think?"

"I want to make Sister Qinger happy, Sister Qinger happy, and I will be happy..." He blinked, "This is what I think."

Qing'er can only choke silently.

"Sister Qing'er..." He tried to hold her hand.

Fortunately, Qinger avoided it in time. She coughed: "The problem is, you made a mistake. I have no other ideas for you. So I don't need your... devotion."

She spit out the last two words from her teeth.

A Yao laughed: "But Sister Qing'er is obviously jealous. Don't try to lie to me."

Qing'er hates her teeth, thinking that this kid is really hard to deal with.

"Okay, suppose, just suppose, suppose I am really jealous, suppose I have other ideas for you." She reluctantly said, even using four "hypotheses", "I don't want you to force yourself Stay with should pursue your favorite woman..."

"Sister Qing'er, not reluctantly." He raised the corner of his lips, "I'm very happy with Sister Qing'er."

Qingerqiang resisted the urge to roll his eyes: "Do you really know what it means to be together?"

"I know." He approached her with a dumb smile in his voice. "Together, we will never separate. And I can hold you and kiss you..."

This time, instead of opening his mouth, "Sister Qing'er", he used the word "you" and fell in the ear of Qing'er's ear, but it was more aggressive.

Her heart was beating fast and she still forced herself to calm down: "A Yao, I know you want to be close to me, but this close..."

The closeness between men and women is different.

However, in the second half of the sentence, Qing'er didn't have a chance to speak out, because the teenager suddenly reached out and grabbed her waist, and... leaned over and kissed her strongly!

At that moment, Qing'er clearly heard the sound of a certain emotion roaring in his ear, which was completely different from the unexpected kiss last night. At this time, the teenager's breath was so strong, he sucked her lips, Slow and firm, with an urgent request, Qing'er even clearly heard his gasping voice and the sigh of satisfaction and dissatisfaction that overflowed between his throats, followed closely, and her hand was also caught by the teenager It was on his chest.

Boom, boom...

Such a violent heartbeat disturbed her, and her fingertips seemed to be unable to bear such a violent rhythm, and she couldn't help curling up.

Qing'er has been completely dumbfounded, and has completely lost his ability to resist and struggle.

It wasn't until the teenager tried to pry open her teeth and drive straight in, she shivered hard and pushed away violently, and her blushing face was filled with anger and disbelief.


"I know." A Yao's voice was low and his breath was still unstable, but the words were very clear. "Sister Qing'er, I know what I'm doing. Actually, I don't want to be your brother."

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