Kiss Goodnight, Mr.Ji

Chapter 1773: I... can't control myself

The teenager was silent for a long time, and suddenly laughed, and this sound almost sneered, making Qinger's heart jump again.


"I can move out." He interrupted her, and his tone was indifferent. "Just sister Qing'er thought?"

Qing'er sighed in the bottom of her heart. In fact, she was somewhat regretful, but... he is A Yao, no matter for her or for him, it is best to maintain the existing relationship. of. She really didn't want them to go through all kinds of dog-blood plots like other couples and then break up.

"Of course." Thinking of this, she nodded firmly. "A Yao, you may be a little unwilling now, but you will understand it later."

The teenager pursed his lips and looked up at her: "Since Sister Qing'er has already decided, I will not force you. In the future... I will not appear in front of you again."

"Um... Hey? You wait!" Qinger listened and suddenly realized that it was wrong, "What does it mean'will not appear in front of me again'?"

"It means literally." A Yao Ding looked at her fixedly, "Sister Qing'er, maybe you can still treat me as a younger brother, but I'm sorry... I can't treat you as an older sister. Since you don't want to talk to me Together, I can only keep a distance from you, otherwise, I will..."

He paused for a moment, then suddenly lowered his eyelids. "I will be cranky and sad."

Qing'er was suddenly embarrassed, and "but" didn't come out for a long time.

"Sister Qing'er, from the moment I confessed to you, we can't go back to the past." The boy's voice was hoarse, and his smile was a bit sad. "Maybe you are right, we are likely Will break up, and then our relationship will become awkward. But now it seems that even if we don't start, the ending will not be better."

Qinger's heart sank, and she smiled reluctantly: "Not so serious. Maybe you will have some discomfort now, but you will find out after a while, this is actually not a matter..."

"Maybe." He lowered his eyes. "But even then, I still have to keep my distance from Sister Qing'er,'s really easy to like Sister Qing'er, I... can't control myself. ."

Qing'er was bumped by his sudden confession of fawn, this kid... this kid... is he talking about her!

Before that, she would not doubt it, but now, since this kid has confessed his thoughts, then many of his previous small moves are very debatable. Qinger seriously doubts that he is deliberate, then it is likely that he It was also said on purpose, to force her to compromise.

Qinger couldn't help but gritted his teeth.

"Sister Qing'er, please hurry up for breakfast." He grinned reluctantly. "I have no classes in the morning. I just went out to find a house. When I found it, I moved out immediately. I promise that you won't see me when you come back at night."

"Well, the house's business is not in a hurry..." As soon as she spoke, Qinger bit her lip in annoyance, and she hurried to remedy, "Aren't you... the budget is not enough? Or do you have my credit card..."

"No, Jiang Mujing's girl has a lot of money in her private house. I'll just ask her to borrow a little." A Yao said lightly.

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