Kiss Goodnight, Mr.Ji

Chapter 1778: Want to kneel for him

The teenager over the phone paused and suddenly laughed: "There is such a thing... well, Sister Qing'er should indeed call the police, what if the bad guy does."

Qinger was completely speechless.

She took a deep breath and then asked in a deep voice: "A Yao, what the **** do you want to do?"

After a long silence, he spoke lowly: "Sister Qing'er, I just... don't worry about you."

The voice seemed to suppress a certain emotion as much as possible, with a bit of hoarse and implicit sadness, but it was inserted into the heart of Qing'er's heart with great penetrating power.

She bit her lip hard and didn't know what to say for a while.

Because she was not at ease and worried that she would not eat well, she came over to cook for her.

But I was afraid that I was too deep, so I tried to avoid meeting her.

She couldn't figure it out, did this kid have such a deep feeling for her? She couldn't help but doubt that this was his routine, but the depression and sadness in the teenager's voice were so clear that she couldn't ignore it at all.

"A Yao, you don't have to do this..." She sighed. "Will I still be hungry?"

"I know that you eat very little at noon for the efficiency of your work in the afternoon. Generally, you get a sandwich and a cup of coffee. If you don't eat well at night, your body can't carry it." He said, seeming to realize his own The emotional leak was too obvious. He tried to make his voice seem as cold as possible. "However, I really don’t know why there will be meals on your table. If there is nothing more in the future, Sister Qing'er don’t call me again. Now."

Having finished speaking, he took the lead in hanging up the phone.

Qing'er didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

She couldn't help but wonder if the teenage boys were all like this, naive and ridiculous, but so clear and pure, even his deliberate indifference was frustrating.

Qinger sighed deeply and put down his phone. She looked at the still warm dishes, and finally chose to sit down and pick up the chopsticks.

Regardless of whether the kid is playing her routine, or is really worried about her, it is just a momentary impulse or unwillingness, she wants to know that he can persist for a few days.

However, Qing'er didn't expect that this boy's patience far exceeded her expectations. She thought he would stick to it for a maximum of three or five days. However, this has passed for half a month. There is always a hot meal waiting for her every night. Several times she found that her house had been cleaned.

However, this kid came into her house every day, but she hadn't seen him for half a month.

During the period, Qing'er tried to go home earlier, but no matter whether she was an hour, two hours or three hours in advance, she would never see anyone. Similarly, no matter when she arrived home, there would be hot meals on the table.

Qinger wanted to kneel for him.

After a few more days, Qing'er finally couldn't stand it. She simply went to his department to block people, but never succeeded, but heard the deeds of this kid from the mouth of his classmates. For example, he played basketball very well. For example, he was especially popular with girls. For example, he was haunted and often skipped classes, but he was never caught magically. His excellent work was often praised.

In short, it is a typical campus male **** role, even if it is Princeton with excellent students everywhere, this kid is still dazzling.

However, even though she heard all his rumors in her ears, she still couldn't catch him. Only once saw a suspected back from afar, but disappeared in a blink of an eye.

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