Kiss Goodnight, Mr.Ji

Chapter 1780: This stupid boy, this bastard

"A Yao, you stop for me!" Seeing this kid's back, Qinger became more and more determined to be him, and if it was not him, why would he stand up and run!

However, after hearing her voice, the teenager walked faster, looking at the door of the bar. He was tall and tall, but in a few seconds, the person disappeared.

Qing'er almost vomited blood, and she was still unwilling to squeeze in the direction of the door. The dazzling lights in the bar and the loud music re-buzzing in her ears made her temple jump suddenly, and her heart beat like crazy. Her blood rushed to that place, and she shivered uncontrollably.

At this moment, she had to admit that this kid succeeded. No matter what his purpose is, she can't stand the inexplicable situation now. She must find him today and ask him a statement!

With such anger, she finally succeeded in squeezing out the crowd. Someone tried to stop her from talking to her, but she was pushed away by her fiercely. However, when she finally rushed out of the door, there was still a half figure.

The cool breeze at night dissipated the enthusiasm on her face, but couldn't blow off her anger. Qinger bit her lips tightly, only to feel that her eyes were hot, and she even wanted to cry.

This is really...

This stupid boy, this bastard!

The next second, a blink of an eye, a figure suddenly appeared in front of her.

"Sister Qing'er, you are here." The young man's indifferent voice rang out, and in the night, his face was blurry, and even his voice was inexplicably tired.

Qing'er closed her eyes, and the next second, she suddenly rushed to him in front of him, and lifted his collar: "Boy! You dare to hide from me!"

A Yao is taller than her, so even if she makes this action, she seems to have no deterrent effect, because she still has to look up at him, and he looks at her, and naturally looks down slightly.

Qinger saw an indifferent tired color in his eyes, and the sporadic lights fell into his pupils at night, and they did not light up, but his dying look was damn... Damn sexy!

She couldn't believe that at this moment her thoughts would appear in her mind. She became more annoyed and said fiercely: "Shy boy, talk!"

His thin lips moved, and suddenly grabbed her hands.

Qinger shuddered lightly, and for a long time, the momentum accumulated was inexplicably dissipated.

"Sister Qing'er, I didn't deliberately hide from you." He said lightly, "I just think that this is good for us."

"Asshole! In this case, why do you run over to make dinner for me every day?" Qinger gritted his teeth, "Stinky boy, what on earth do you want to do?"

"Sister Qing'er doesn't like it?" He smiled self-deprecatingly, "I can enjoy my care without having to cope with my request. Isn't that what you want? Or, do you think this is not enough, I Must appear in front of you as a good brother, even if I don’t want to at all?"

Qinger was speechless and subconsciously excused: "I am not...who let you take care of it! You are less self-righteous!"

She said, pushing him hard like a cover, and pulled her hand back.

But the temperature in her hand remained at her fingertips, which made her panicked.

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