Kiss Goodnight, Mr.Ji

Chapter 1785: Young people are full of energy

She jumped in her heart and asked casually, "Which two teams are in the finals?"

"It seems to be from the mathematics department and the computer department..." Xu Ziyue thought for a while.

Qinger was disappointed in his heart and couldn't help but ask, "What about the Faculty of Law?"

"Ah? I don't know very well." Xu Ziyue was a little strange. "Why are you asking this? By the way, your younger brother Arthur is a freshman this year... Is he from the Faculty of Law? Hey, even without him, you can't miss this Finals! I heard that the freshmen in the computer department this year are great!"

Qing'er snorted: "It's better to be without him, but he's too lazy to go with me. Let's go and see the handsome guy!"

Why did she toss and turn for Jiang Yaojing? Since this is his purpose, she doesn't want him to succeed!

Xu Ziyue coughed, and did not ask anything, but nodded vigorously: "Go, pick you a bed warmer tonight!"

The two came to the gymnasium. After entering the stadium by ticket, there was a burst of cheers in their ears, which surprised them.

The competition has not yet started, but the students of the two departments have occupied half of the country, and they cheered each other to cheer. The cheers just came from them.

"Oh, young people are full of energy." Xu Ziyue smiled.

Qinger nodded and agreed: "Where is our seat?"

"Area C, over there." Xu Ziyue pointed in a certain direction.

Two minutes later, the two of them finally took their seats in their seats. Xu Ziyue took out all the snacks and drinks he prepared, and Qinger expressed some disgust, but still politely opened a bag of potato chips and began to eat. Seeing the audience aimlessly, she soon saw the names of the two teams in the finals.

Qinger froze for a moment, and the potato chips forgot to chew.

She smashed Xu Ziyue around her elbow: "What's going on? The team in the finals clearly has a law school!"

The law department and the computer department are clearly written on the wall. Where is the math department?

Xu Ziyue looked in the direction of her finger and looked surprised: "Hey, it is really the Faculty of Law... It seems that I remembered it wrong, hehe..."

Qing'er turned around and stared at her fiercely.

Xu Ziyue looked innocent: "What's wrong! Is it possible that you broke up with Arthur? Why don't you want to see him? He's not your younger brother... The younger brother can still break up, I don't know if you are a couple What."

"What nonsense!" Qinger subconsciously retorted.

"Just kidding." Xu Ziyue chuckled and said, "Last time, the kid said he had offered me an offer, but it didn't move for so long...So, men are unreliable no matter how old or young they are. "

Qing'er gritted his teeth and said, "Yes! What the man said, just listen to it. You can't believe any sentence!"

Xu Ziyue approached her and said gossip, "Then... what about your father and your brother, oh, and your brother..."

"That's different, they are the exceptions." Qing'er solemnly renamed several of his men. "Don't you know that my parents are famous model couples? As for my brother and my brother... they will definitely be good in the future. Men, if not, I broke their legs!"

Xu Ziyue smiled: "Actually, Arthur is not bad..."

"It's a good ghost!" Qing'er thought for a while, "I can't let him see me, today it seems to be recording video, you help me block when the camera sweeps over a while..."

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