Kiss Goodnight, Mr.Ji

Chapter 1798: I only made your weight

Qing'er was very dissatisfied, but couldn't find suitable evidence to refute him, so he pushed him depressively: "Forget it, go to bed quickly. I'm going to take a shower, you are not allowed to come out!"

A Yao had lived with her for a while before, and now she already knows how to avoid embarrassment as much as possible.

"Not allowed? There is no bathroom in the second bedroom, in case..."

"Suffocating! You're so much nonsense!"

This time, Ling Yunzheng was choked to say nothing.


That night, Qing'er did not have insomnia, but had a nightmare of the night. The content was either A Yao told her that they were still sisters, or A Yao was with other girls... Dream, Qing'er couldn't believe she would be afraid of these.

So she got a little angry.

It was on the weekend that she didn't need to go to the laboratory, so it was a long time before she walked out of the bedroom. There was some movement in the direction of the kitchen. She was surprised for a moment, thinking of Ling Yunzheng sleeping here last night, relieved.

Unexpectedly, Yunzheng's brother would also cook... Qinger thought so, and went to the kitchen to prepare to tease him.

"Can you eat what you make...I rely on!" Qinger was shocked, "A Yao, how are you!"

In the kitchen, the young boy faced him with a frying pan, but his delicate and beautiful face did not have any expression.

She felt that sooner or later she would be tossed out of this boy with heart disease!

"Last night I slept in the living room." He exhaled quietly.

Qing'er looked at him blankly, only to remember that when the kid left last night, he didn't leave the key, so... When she and Ling Yunzheng went back to bed, did the kid return?

What kind of **** operation is this?

"Go wash your face and brush your teeth and have breakfast right away." After a pause, he said again, "I only made your weight."

Qing'er continued to be stunned.

Ling Yunzheng came out of the room and followed the movement to the kitchen. He was no less surprised than Qinger.

A Yao gave him a cold glance and left the kitchen with his frying pan in his own way, and walked towards the direction of the restaurant, leaving the two confused.

"What's going on?" Ling Yunzheng frowned.

"He...he said he slept in the living room last night..." Qinger stuttered a little.

The man raised his eyebrows and suddenly laughed: "It turns out... I'm afraid he doesn't worry about me."

Qinger froze for a moment, and finally understood it.

So... this kid is sad and disappointed, but has not forgotten the fact that she is under the same roof with other men, even if they know they sleep in different rooms?

Qing'er felt amused and funny. She had no idea what words she should use to describe her inner feelings, nor what expression she should use to face Ah Yao.

Anyway, when she came to the restaurant to sit down, her expression was still dumbfounded.

Ling Yunzheng was somewhat dissatisfied: "How come there is only one breakfast?"

A Yao glanced at him coldly, without a word.

"You don't want to cook breakfast for me, I understand." Ling Yunzheng nodded clearly, "But why don't you even have yourself?"

The teenager's face was dull, and he ignored him. He just pushed the milk to Qinger's hand and said lightly, "Sister Qinger, was dazed, eat it."

Qing'er wandered and grabbed the chopsticks, and suddenly blessed the soul: "Do you think that if you made two breakfasts, I will let you give him the second breakfast?"

She pointed to Ling Yunzheng.

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