Kiss Goodnight, Mr.Ji

Chapter 1806: What are you worried about

Qing'er opened his mouth stunned and didn't know how to answer. Ling Yunzheng smiled calmly: "Yes. I'll go back to the room first, you talk slowly."

After he finished speaking, he turned around and left, swiped the door with the room card and walked in.

It wasn't until this time that Qing'er was convinced that he had no dazzle: "You... what are you doing here?"

A Yao didn't say a word, just stepped forward and hugged her hard.

Qing'er was suddenly shrouded in cold air, and she couldn't help but shivered coldly. She subconsciously grabbed his shoulder with her hand, only to realize how cold the boy's body was, he was soaked, not only His body was cold, and he was shaking!

It seems that it is not only windy but also raining outside... No, no, this is not the point! The point is that this kid was still in Princeton when he called her. How long did he get here? Just because she was with Ling Yunzheng?

Qing'er was speechless, but stroking his cold, trembling body, her anger couldn't come out anymore, not only couldn't it come out, but also felt a little distressed.

"You hurry in and take a hot bath!" she said angrily, trying to break free of him.

However, the boy’s arms were still. He buried his cold face in her neck, as if he was desperately looking for some kind of comfort or warmth. He felt that there was cold rain falling into her neck, and she couldn’t help it. After shrinking his neck, he wanted to continue to urge him, but the next second, another rush of heat came in.

She froze.

He was cold all over, and this heat could only be his tears.

"A Yao..." Her voice trembled, "You..."


A Yao didn't respond, but there was a little whimper in her throat, broken and intermittent, as if it was suppressed but failed.

Qing'er suddenly felt that her heart was sore and sore. Although she still couldn't figure out why the fact that she and Ling Yunzheng were staying together could make him desperate, but she really felt his fear.

"A Yao, listen to me, take a hot bath first, OK." She patted his back gently, her voice helpless and soft, "If you go on like this, you will get sick... If you don't let go, I It’s going to catch you cold."

Perhaps it was her last sentence that worked, and his throat knot rolled a little, finally letting her go slowly.

It was just that his red eyes moved away at the moment he met her, as if he did not want to let her see her embarrassed side.

Qinger felt sad and funny, and dragged him to the bathroom: "Come over, you give me a hot bath!"

This time he was very obedient and obediently followed him into the bathroom, but when he put the hot water to leave, he grabbed her by the wrist and seemed not to want her to leave.

......Now it has become a sticky and poor little milk dog again.

Qinger sighed and patiently reassured: "You take a good bath, I'll be waiting for you outside and I won't go anywhere."

He pressed his lips together before letting go.

Qinger left the bathroom, found a bathrobe and placed it in the outside of the bathroom, then came to the living room.

She sat on the sofa, watching the movie in a daze, until there were footsteps behind her, she turned around and saw A Yao came in a bathrobe, her cheeks, nose and eyes were all flushed with hot water, and her watery eyes looked at her.

She waved, and A Yao walked up obediently and sat down beside her.

Qing'er first wrapped him in a blanket, and then asked seriously: "Tell me, what are you worried about?"

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