Kiss Goodnight, Mr.Ji

Chapter 1808: What did you do with your photo

Qing'er was staring at him uncomfortably, but the young man's eyes were too compelling. She couldn't say anything in denial anymore. Qing'er's eyes rolled and she cleared her throat and asked, "...It's better to say that first Say, when did you start coveting me?"

A Yao blinked and suddenly smiled: "Sister Qing'er, don't you say, will we be together forever? I remember it."

Qinger opened his eyes wide: "Don't make trouble! How old were you at that time! You are not a fool, are you really serious?"

"But I just take it seriously." His eyes showed a strange firmness. "When I was very young, I had only sister Qing'er in my heart and eyes. This has never changed since I grew up. ."

Qing'er was shocked for a while, and she never thought she had such a profound influence on him.

A Yao took a deep look, raised her left hand and touched her cheek, her thumb gently rubbing on her lips: "At that time I asked Sister Qing'er, when will we be together, you said wait for me It’s okay to be taller than you. So I dreamed of growing up at that time, I wanted to grow up overnight, but before that day, Sister Qing'er didn’t take care of me..."

He said, his voice gradually lowered.

Qing'er rarely stuttered: "Then... I was under a lot of academic pressure at that time. You have grown up too. It's not suitable to get tired together..."

"No." A Yao's eyes brought a few complaints, "Sister Qing'er clearly didn't want to take me to play, I was really sad..."

Qing'er guilty turned away.

At that time she entered adolescence, began to rebellious, and love to pretend to be cool, but A Yao was particularly sticky to her. Of course she was impatient and didn't want to take care of him. but……

"Why don't I remember that you were sad for this?" She was a little unbelieving.

"Because Sister Qing'er said, men should be strong and not express negative emotions casually." He pursed his lips. "If I was sad and unwilling to show up at that time, you would hate me even more."

Qinger was speechless.

"Then... I've treated you like this, and you still remember what I'm doing." Qinger's tone was a little bit coquettish that she didn't even notice.

"Because you are Sister Qing'er..." he whispered in her ear.

Qing'er only felt that her ears were hot. She couldn't help but bit her lip, avoiding it a little bit: "Cough... don't fool me. At that time, how old were you, even if sad and sad, just because of habits and dependence... Later, we have been separated for almost six years, even if your love first opened, you won’t be able to open me!

Think about the last time they met six years ago. This kid is only eleven years old.

A Yao laughed: "Actually, I have the photos of Sister Qinger at each stage, and they are all printed out."

Qinger's eyes were horrified: "Where did you get it from?"

"As long as you have the heart, collecting these photos is not difficult...cough!"

He coughed when he couldn't help it, and his face was blushing abnormally.

"Don't talk, lie down." Qing'er frowned.

A Yao clenched her wrist tightly, and coughed while laughing: "Sister Qing'er guess, what did I do with your picture?"

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