Kiss Goodnight, Mr.Ji

Chapter 1812: Withdraw your hand

Qing'er saw his eyes down and couldn't help but bowed his head, but the next second, his mouth was suddenly blocked by his sturdy body, and before she could react, the boy's tongue flexed into her mouth flexibly.

The strange and hot touch made Qing'er tremble. She instinctively wanted to escape, but the teenager's arm was still firmly buckled on her waist. She couldn't move at all, but after a few seconds, she unconsciously relaxed Come down and be completely immersed in this kiss.

This was not the first time they had kissed, but there were always reasons for preventing her from investing in the first few times. Even if there was pleasure, she subconsciously ignored it. So it was not until this turn back that I discovered that kissing was such a wonderful thing. Although both of them are newbies, A Yao probably has practiced many times in her brain, so after the initial stumbling, the kiss quickly became smoother. The entanglement of the lips and tongue brings a strange numbness, and the comfortable cells seem to be soaked in warm water.

But it didn't take long for Ayao's request to become urgent, his breathing became heavy, the hand clasped on her waist was hot and hard, and even a small walk, seemingly trying to lift her clothes, leaning She was also confused, fortunately, her reason remained, so when Asya's hand penetrated into her dress, she caught his wrist in time.

"No...!" She hardly avoided his further kisses, breathlessly opening, "Hurry back!"

The teenager's dark eyes were full of cravings, but when he heard Qinger's words, he could only put his hands back unhappily, and squeezed his lips a little bit dissatisfiedly, and the throat slipped, and said hoarsely: "... why?"

"You are still underage!" Qinger glared at him, "I don't want to go to jail!"

In country M, regardless of sex, the relationship between an adult and a minor is criminally responsible.

A Yao snorted and leaned in to kiss her lips: "Sister Qing'er is afraid of something, will I still sue you..."

"No, it's no..." Qinger's voice was dumb and soft. Although she said refusal, she didn't want to refuse his kiss. Besides, this kid's lips were so beautiful, she couldn't help but stretch out. His tongue traced along his lips.

A Yao breathed heavier, and her hot hands clasped her slim waist tightly, with anxious urgency.

Qing'er had to grab his wrist and blushed to warn him: "You give me some peace!"

"Who made you seduce me..." he said hoarsely, and kissed her face and chin again.

Even across a thick bathrobe, Qing'er still clearly felt the temperature of the teenager's body. She was almost irrational when she was hot... At this time, she also had some complaints about why the boy was still five months away from adulthood.

"Don't make a fuss, be good..." She snapped his hands apart, and then got up from him hard. "You quickly take the medicine, go to bed after eating..."

"Sister Qing'er, I'm ready." He caught her hand on his chest, licked the corner of his lips, and then smiled slightly evilly, "You feel it."

Qinger's eyes were shaken by his smile, and the violent heartbeat in the palm of her hand made her legs soft.

She couldn't help but glared at him: "Come on for me!"

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