Kiss Goodnight, Mr.Ji

Chapter 1818: Falling in love makes people fall

But Qing'er won't admit it anyway, so she hammered him on the shoulder and snorted, "You really think too much! Well, hurry back to sleep and have class tomorrow!"

A Yao was on top of her head, and she said hoarsely for a while: "Hopefully I think too much."

"It was originally." Qinger broke away from his arms, rubbed his face, and said seriously, "Listen, I know I'm very happy to fall in love, but your main energy now should be on your studies, without delay. Study, otherwise I will be angry. At the end of the period, you have to get the best. Have you heard?"

A Yao finally laughed and took her hand and said, "Okay."

"That's good." Qing'er expressed satisfaction and kissed his chin like a reward. "Go to bed."

His eyes deepened: "I don't even want to leave as soon as you kiss..."

"Hurry up!" Qinger glared at him with a smile, pushing him hard out of bed.

He seemed to be dissatisfied and mumbled something, but still got out of bed and stood up straight.

It was not until this Ayao that he looked at the room where he looked at him. It was the same as he imagined... messy, the bookshelves were piled with books and tables, and the few decorations were also weird and exaggerated, without beauty, making people I can't believe this is the residence of a young woman.

He couldn't help but tickled his lips.

Qing'er is here at the neckline, and Yu Guang at the corner of his eyes glances at this kid with a fascinating smile. He can't help but feel a little embarrassed: "You are not leaving yet, what are you looking at here?"

He looked at her with sincere eyes: "Do you need me to clean up your room?"

"...You get out of me!"


After that night, A Yao finally settled down and no longer tried to seduce her, but the act of hugging her more frequently than before, and Qing Er was quite helpful, so he went with him.

In addition, since the two determined the relationship, this kid has been more attentive in cooking, studying new dishes as soon as he has time, and making Qing'er want to stop. She is very suspicious that if she goes on like this, she is not a dream. What's more, love itself is easy to degenerate... Recently in the laboratory, when she was resting, she sometimes lost her mind and thought of A Yao, and even couldn't help laughing, but it made everyone laugh for a while.

Susan once again came forward looking forward and asked her: "Now you can always tell me about Arthur's bed time."

Qing'er felt that if she said she had not slept with A Yao, she would be despised by Susan, so she smiled inexplicably: "This is a secret, I won't tell you."

Susan madly rolled her eyes.

Qing'er returned home with a happy mood. When she opened the door with the key, her voice was excited: "I'm back!"

Usually at this time, A Yao must have greeted her and gave her a deep kiss, but today, she changed her shoes and there was no movement.

Huh? Isn't this kid back yet? No, this kid specifically avoided the next two classes in the afternoon when he first started school, so he could basically get home before five o'clock. If he has activities, he will definitely notify her in advance.

"A Yao?" She yelled but no one answered. After walking in, she found that the kid was lying on the sofa, eyes closed tightly, breathing evenly, as if asleep.

Qinger unconsciously lightened his steps and walked over to sit on the carpet, reaching for his forehead.

Fortunately, there is no fever. It seems that he is just tired.

Qinger let out a sigh of relief, but didn't want to take it back, still lingering on his face.

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