
"...Well." Nodded.

"Then eat more." Qinger said with a smile.

So within a few minutes, A Yao finished two bowls of noodles.

Qing'er suddenly found that this kid's dull look is also very cute, and has the pleasure and sense of accomplishment of having a pet.

"Come here on the sofa, I'll change your medicine." Qinger held his left arm.

It wasn't until the two sat on the sofa that Qinger untied the bandage for him and helped him to take the medicine without covering his heart, A Yao finally recovered. "Aren't you going to the laboratory today?"

"I'm asking for leave with the instructor." Qinger blew his wound carefully.

A Yao was stunned again.

"A week, for me, this is an unprecedented thing." Qinger couldn't help laughing. "I thought the tutor would be angry. I didn't expect him to agree readily, and asked me what happened. I said...my boyfriend was badly injured to save me, and I need to take care of him..."

A Yao suddenly felt a choked throat. He paused and said hoarsely: "Then, is your tutor not angry?"

"Not at all. He smiled happily, and praised you, saying you are great and a hero." Qinger is a little embarrassed, "He also said, I have always been his best student, but he is also the best Worried students, scientific exploration is endless. Even a scientist needs life. He said... Glad I finally found my soulmate, and there are no too important projects now. If I need it, please ask for another one Weekly leave is OK...I think it's not bad to take a break at this opportunity, so I have a half-month vacation."

A Yao's throat slipped: "You also said that last night I obviously can take you away, it's my bravery...you don't need guilt..."

"Hey, I'm not guilty. I'm obviously distressed, OK? I take care of you not because you helped me, but because you are my boyfriend." Qinger interrupted his words and couldn't help but sigh. , "It can be seen that I used to be a terrible partner, so even if you pay such a small amount for you, you can't believe it..."

"No." A Yao gave a sullen smile, stretched her arms around her shoulders, and pressed her forehead against her. "You are fine."

"Hum, don't want to wear me a high hat..." She said, she couldn't help but smile again, "A Yao, you know I sometimes careless, so I need your reminder, you can just treat me with integrity Ask for it. I won’t be angry, let alone impatient... In comparison, I’m more afraid of being sad and disappointed again and again because I’m not doing well... because I don’t want you to leave me."

A Yao breathed heavily, as if trying to suppress some emotions, and after a few seconds he uttered a hoarse huh.

"I'm serious!" Qinger said solemnly, "Since you provoke me first, then I won't stop, you shouldn't stop! If you dare to start chaos and end...Hum..."

He hugged her hard and laughed low, his chest shaking.

"I remember." He said word by word, "You can rest assured."

For him, her so domineering declaration is probably the most beautiful love story in the world.

"That's good." Qing'er smiled, "Yes, I'm asking for leave, but although you don't have to go to school, you can't leave your schoolwork. You read at home, and I go out and deal with last night's thing."

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