Kiss Goodnight, Mr.Ji

Chapter 1834: I don’t have a sister, only a girlfriend

A Yao was not much less shocked than Qing'er. In the face of his mother's complaining and distressed bosom, his father implied a bit of praise and blame. He only listened to the instructions. Fortunately, Qinger was quick. Came to save him.

Learning that A Yao's injury was not serious and would not leave any sequelae, Jiang Yu and Jing Tong's husband and wife were relieved.

But the two dads didn't stay long before leaving the apartment to go to school. They came here thousands of miles away. Of course, they couldn't just come and visit them. Their main purpose of this trip was to put pressure on the school.

When Qing'er sent them to the door, he couldn't help but say: "Dad, Uncle Jiang, is this a bit of a fuss? The two students have been expelled..."

"A Yao's identity is special. When he submitted the application for admission, he was almost unsuccessful." Jiang Yu smiled. "The school expelled those two students. I'm afraid they want to calm down, but this is far from enough."

"Not just for the two of you." Ji Shiting explained succinctly.

Qing'er immediately understood that there might be various complicated political games.

"Then... Dad, Uncle Jiang, come back early, and I will cook for you at night," she said obediently.

Ji Shiting was a little surprised: "Are you going to cook?"

"Yes!" Qinger lifted his chin. "I'll make a few dishes. A Yao said it was delicious."

"I'm afraid I can't believe what Ah Yao said." Ji Shiting raised an eyebrow.

"Dad!" He swelled his cheeks.

Jiang Yu smiled: "I am looking forward to it."


Qinger returned to the living room and saw her mother and Aunt Jingtong sitting together. She had to walk over and sit next to A Yao.

Facing the two mothers either with tender and loving or meaningful eyes, she felt a little stressed, so when A Yao reached out and tried to hold her, she shy away.

A Yao laughed helplessly.

Upon seeing this, Jing Tong smiled and said: "Qing'er, A Yao said, these two days are you taking care of him. It's really hard for you."

"A Yao was injured after all for me... this is what I should do." Qinger put his hands on his knees and smiled with a special dignity.

"Oh, if A Yao is not for your injury, you don't care about him?" Jing Tong asked seriously.

Qing'er said in earnest: "Of course not, no matter what cause Yao Yao was injured, I will not ignore him. After all, I am a sister. He is here, and I take care of him."

Ye Shengge laughed loudly, but Jing Tong had some regrets.

A Yao wrinkled her eyebrows unpleasantly and said politely: "I don't have a sister, only a girlfriend."

"Hey!" Qinger blushed and stared at him. Although both parents knew their relationship, but after so many years of elder sister's majesty, Qinger was still somewhat embarrassed.

A Yao blinked: "I should change the medicine..."

Qing'er was helpless and got up and said, "I'll go to the room to get medicine."

"No, I'll go to your room with you." A Yao stood up, and then owed, "Aunt Shengge, you and your mother have some fruit. We will be out of company for a while."

"It doesn't matter, it's important to change the dressing. Go quickly." Ye Shengge waved his hand with a smile.

Jing Tong smiled and peeled an orange.

Qing'er was so embarrassed that he could only stare at Yao, who returned with an innocent look.

However, it was not over. The two of them had just walked a few steps, and they heard the conversation of the two mothers behind them. Although they lowered their voices deliberately, Qinger still heard clearly.

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