Kiss Goodnight, Mr.Ji

Chapter 195: Stop stop

On the sofa, Qin Youhui is still immersed in the role.

The cape on Ye Shengge's body was completely ripped off by him. Then, the man's hot palm held her face and seemed to be about to kiss.

However, Ye Shengge was agitated and subconsciously blocked it. Even if she did not exclude contact with Qin Youhui, it did not mean that she could accept the kiss at once.

But Qin Youhui, as Rong Yuxiu, impatiently caught her wrist, and seemed to just treat her behavior as a desire to refuse. Ye Shengge panicked and turned his head subconsciously. As a result, he turned around and saw a long and tall figure pushing open the door and came in.

The man's gaze glanced around, and seemed to be startled, but soon his dark eyes fell on the sofa, facing Ye Shengge.

His pupils contracted to the extreme in an instant.

The moment Ye Shengge recognized him, his mind exploded!

She widened her eyes and shouted in panic, "Stop, stop!"

Qin Youhui suddenly pulled away from the play and saw Ye Shengge's face panicked, he was a little embarrassed: "Sorry..."

Ye Shengge didn't know where the strength came from. She pushed away the man who was still pressing on her. Qin Youhui was pushed down to the ground by her unexpectedly. Ye Shengge stood up anxiously. As a result, she seemed to step on Qin Youhui's leg. Unstable, the whole person fell on Qin Youhui.

…It’s over.

It's over, it's over.

At this point in her mind only this thought kept circling.

In this series of changes, only three seconds, Lin Ran and Xiao Liu stared at the two on the ground with dumbfounded.

Qin Youhui was even more at a loss. He was pushed to the ground. Just ready to stand up, but was pressed by Ye Shengge to his chest. He didn't come up in a breath and began to cough desperately.

Feeling Ji Shiting's sharp-eyed gaze, Ye Sheng singer scrambled to get up. She looked at Ji Shiting, who was standing at the door with a blank expression and dull eyes, stuttering: "You... what are you doing? Here...I’m rehearsing...Look, you see, Lin Ran and Xiao Liu are here. Hurry, say, we’re rehearsing right?"

She glared straight at Lin Ran anxiously.

Lin Ran turned her face dumbfounded, and only then saw Ji Shiting not far away. As a result, she was taken aback by her breathlessly, opened her mouth wide, and was speechless for a long time.

Ye Shengge saw that she was only mad at Ji Ting and was mad at her.

Fortunately, Xiao Liu was relatively calm, his position was facing the door, so instead he was the first person to see Ji Shiting.

"Yes... that's right." He shuddered, "We are rehearsing... rehearsing."

He said he also raised the phone he was shooting in his hand.

"I didn't lie to you!" Ye Shengge turned his gaze to Ji Shiting, his eyes uneasy, his face full of eagerness, as if he was afraid he might misunderstand.

Ji Shiting looked at her, her dark eyes were unfathomable, like a black hole, her emotions never leaked.

Ye Shengge's guilty conscience was stared by his eyes. She gritted her teeth and rushed over to hug his waist, making a good smile: "Why did you come back in advance, I said I was going to pick you up at the airport... Have you ever had dinner? You must have eaten badly on the plane, might I have something for you?..."

She chattered, as if to calm herself down.

Ji Shiting stretched out his hand and held her shoulder, looking down at her.

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