Kiss Goodnight, Mr.Ji

Chapter 502: Forget all the past between them

"Let me live with Sister Sheng, I am familiar with Sister Sheng's preferences, I am more suitable to take care of her." Lin Ran disagrees, "Brother Tianyi is too busy, what if you neglect?"

"I am a man, I have great strength, and if a second personality comes out, I can still control her."

"Huh, Mr. Ji didn't control it. Do you think you are better than Mr. Ji?"

"Then aren't you better?"

Ye Shengge stared at them stunned, his eyes hot.

She thought that her honesty would make the two afraid, even if they want to end the cooperative relationship with her, she can fully understand.

Who knows that these two people quarreled over this boring problem...

"Fortunately, I'm big enough here and there are enough rooms. You can all live in." Ye Shengge said calmly. "It's also convenient to work."

The two thought for a while and readily agreed.

"We have to make some preparations, for example, buy some strong ropes, or even iron chains, and tie me up at night." Ye Shengge said, "All the knives at home are thrown out, anything that may hurt people. Nothing can stay."

Shang Tianyi was taken aback: "Tied up? Do you want to be so cruel?"

"Yes." Ye Shengge said without hesitation. "If she runs out, you must not untie me."

"How do we know you or her?" Lin Ran asked.

"I and she know each other's existence, but they don't share memories. So, we can formulate a secret code." Ye Shengge said, "Also, if she comes out, you will definitely find out."

The only memory she shared with the second personality was the scene where she assassinated the trafficker.

"I suddenly wondered what your second personality is like." Shang Tianyi said expectantly.

Ye Shengge looked at him seriously: "You better pray that she won't come out."

Then they discussed work again.

"Thanks to the photos that burst out some time ago, now everyone is very curious about you, especially various variety shows and reality shows. But I have pushed it for you." Shang Tianyi said, "You are as much as possible now Low-key will make the audience's curiosity to you reach a peak, which is very good for the ratings of "Xue Ning Zhuan." If the ratings of "Xue Ning Zhuan" burst, we are making the next plan."

Ye Shengge nodded his approval: "My top priority now is to prepare Chen Dao's new film. When I finish shooting, "Xue Ning Zhuan" will probably also air, and then we will pick another book."

"Yes. I decided to let you take the high-end route directly. As far as possible, I cooperated with famous directors to star in movies and TV series...unless it is a very powerful team, with big explosions and classic potentials, otherwise it will not be accepted." Shang Tianyi took Write a memo, "After all, your starting point is very high and must not be wasted."

Ye Shengge nodded.

"Thank you husband!" Shang Tianyi subconsciously sighed.

Ye Shengge breathed a suffocated breath, his hands clenched tightly.

Shang Tianyi realized that he had said something wrong and looked to Lin Ran for help.

Lin Ran comforted immediately: "Sister Sheng, I don't think Mr. Ji will be willing to part with you. When she is injured, he will definitely come back to find you."

After hearing this, Ye Shengge's eyelashes flickered, and the smile on the corners of her lips was sad and bitter.

She did not tell the two that Ji Shiting lost her memory.

He has forgotten all the past between them.

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