Kiss Goodnight, Mr.Ji

Chapter 558: I have been trapped, so uncomfortable

Song Ruxu's heartbeat couldn't help but speed up, she softly called: "Sheng Ge, are you?"

"It's me." The woman's voice was very soft, with a slightly naive taste, "Who are you?"

"I am your psychologist." Song Ru Xu smiled, "This is the first time we met."

"Psychologist..." Her mouth curled up. "Did she want to wipe me out?"

"No, she wants to be your friend." Song Ruxu looked at her. "She hopes to live with you peacefully."

"No, she tied me every time." The woman said, struggling, and found that her hands and feet were tied again. She sighed faintly, "She hates me."

"She just doesn't want you to hurt her lover and friends." Song Ruxu said softly, "As long as you don't hurt others, she won't bind you."

"But I like blood." She said, licking her lips, her pupils unconsciously enlarged, "Do you know how the knife tip pierces the flesh? The process is particularly fun, the best thing is, if the knife goes down, the blood will Come out, the red is very beautiful..."

"No, you don't like blood." Song Ruxu interrupted her, and her voice was very gentle. "You just want everyone to be afraid of you, so that no one can hurt you."

"Yes, you're right. They are afraid of me and don't dare to approach me anymore." The woman giggled. "But I still like blood, I like to hear them cry, listen to them scream..."

"However, if no one dares to approach you, you will be very pitiful. No one likes you, no one plays with you." Song Ruxu looked at her with pity, "Excluded and disliked by everyone... You really like this ending. ?"

The woman showed a disgusted look: "I don't need them to like me!"

"No, what you need, you are afraid that they hate you to blame you, so they deliberately make a vicious look, so that they will only be afraid of you and dare not blame you." Song Ruxu's voice became softer, "but, No one will hate you for blaming you because you are just a child. You are brave to protect yourself. As long as you no longer hurt people, everyone will forgive you and like you."

She sighed: "Hello, you can talk. Do you like me?"

"If you never hurt others again, I will like you." Song Ruxu said, "Can you promise me?"

"My wrist hurts, can you help me loosen the rope." Her tone was soft and pitiful, and she stared at Song Ruxu with her big eyes.

"No." Song Ruxu shook his head. "I know that once I untie the rope, you will hurt me."

"I won't hurt you, you believe me." She smiled innocently. "You untie my rope, I'm trapped all the time, so uncomfortable."

Song Ruxu sighed in his heart. Sure enough, expecting to impress her with three words, it was a bit of delusion, but at least her and Ye Shengge's guesses were confirmed. The personality of the second personality and Ye Shengge did have many similarities, and the psychological context was also Almost in the same vein, with a breakthrough, it is not difficult to integrate this personality.

"You should sleep." Song Ruxu hypnotized her again.

The woman's eyelids began to fight, and soon after she closed her eyes, Song Ruxu relieved and walked over to call her name while loosening her tie.

Ye Sheng fans opened their eyes confusedly, and then smiled sweetly at her.

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