Kiss Goodnight, Mr.Ji

Chapter 605: You are my bride, okay

"Then I'm not marrying someone else, just marrying you, okay?" He stared at her in the dark, "You're my bride, eh?"

"But I..."

"No, but you are fine." The man tempted, "Did you forget?"

"I'm ready?" She opened her eyes wide and raised her voice a bit, seeming to be completely calmed by the news.

"Yes, so you have to seduce me to give birth to my baby secretly." Ji Shiting looked at her with a shocked look and couldn't help raising her lips, "This is what you just said, you forgot ?"

A bit of confusion appeared on her face, but soon she shook her head: "No, no, you are lying to me..."

While speaking, she began to struggle again.

Ji Shiting's eyes darkened, and he pressed her forehead softly and asked, "Do you want to drink?"

"Ah?" She froze for a moment, nodding uncontrollably, "Yes."

The man let go of her with a grunt, and got up to get the wine.

Ye Shengge felt suddenly lightened and suddenly panicked in her heart. She couldn't help calling: "Ji Shi Ting, are you gone?"

"I'm still there." The man's deep, dumb voice quickly rang.

Then, Ye Shengge felt that the man reached out and grabbed her into her arms. She let out a sigh of relief and hugged him around his neck with a bit of aggrieved voice: "Don't go...I haven't finished talking yet..."

"Well, I listen." The man said in a mute voice, sipped wine and blocked her lips, and put it into her mouth as much as possible.

Ye Shengge swallowed, licked his lips, and suddenly giggled.

"Why are you laughing?"

"Ji Shi Ting, you are horny." She giggled. "I used to... I used to watch TV, and I hated the picture of feeding each other... I think, good... so disgusting."

The man groaned and gave her another sip of wine before asking in a low voice: "Does it disgust?"

She seemed to hear a bit of anger, so she shook her head obediently: "Not disgusting, I want more."

Ji Shiting was satisfied and just fed her a whole glass of red wine.

The woman hiccupped, her face flushed badly, and the haze of her eyes was heavier.

"Don't you still have something to tell me?" Ji Shiting asked the whisper while putting the glass aside.

"I..." She blinked hard, and after a while, she suddenly grieved her red eyes, "I don't remember..."

"It doesn't matter if you don't remember, I know what you are going to say." The man's voice fell in a low voice. "I'm going to take a bath, you are waiting for me, eh?"

The woman looked at him blankly, then nodded her head.

Ji Shi Ting was so irritable that she sucked **** her lips again, and then went to the bathroom.

But he walked out of the bathroom in a few minutes, only to find that the woman had not known when she had climbed out of bed, sitting on the floor at the end of the bed, the bathrobe was loose and open, revealing a large piece of pale skin, which was dotted with what he had just Fresh marks made. She shook her head slightly, her expression was still blank.

Ji Shiting walked over and squatted in front of her: "What are you doing?"

The woman reached out and hugged him: "Ji Shi Ting, I miss you so much..."

The man paused for a moment, and his voice was muted: "Well, me too. You must not know how much I miss you."

When he was finished, he picked her up and sent her to the bed, squeezing it between her legs, grabbing her soft hands.

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