Kiss Goodnight, Mr.Ji

Chapter 607: Did anyone come to my room last night

"Yes, I promise you." Ji Shiting's voice was extremely serious. "What kind of wedding do you want?"

"Just as long as the groom is you." She suddenly laughed, and the blurred eyes seemed to look at him so seriously for the first time.

"of course."

Ji Shiting's eyes dimmed, and he couldn't help it, sinking heavily to the end.

Ye Shengge's startled screams were blocked in his throat.


The drunk woman speaks well, and unless it hurts too much, no matter what he asks, she will not resist the struggle.

Ji Shiting felt that his behavior was despicable. If it was in a sober state, she would definitely not let him touch her, but at this time he could not consider it at all.

The woman's body is delicate and soft, he is addicted, even if she is arguing to drink water, Ji Shiting is not willing to separate from her, just holding her to find water.

When the sky was slightly shining, he felt the night was so short for the first time.

The woman on the bed had long fallen asleep. Only when he was ruthless would he murmur low. Although he had paid attention, he still left some marks on her body.

Ji Shiting finally took her to take a bath. The woman seemed to perceive her and opened her eyes strenuously, but also quickly closed it. The confused and dull expression made the man almost unable to bear to come again.

But he finally let her go, and after returning her to the bed, he picked up his robe and put it on her.

Ye Shengge is unaware.

Ji Shiting looked at her sleeping face quietly, her long fingers gently touching her face.

"Don't you drink any more when I'm away, remember?" The man's voice was hoarse and hoarse.

After the woman was drunk, she almost let him dominate. On the one hand, Ji Shiting was greatly satisfied, and on the other hand, he was worried that other men would take advantage of it.

"I hope you remember tonight." He smiled suddenly. "You are welcome to come to me to settle the bill."

The man said, holding her lips softly again for a while.


It was already afternoon when Ye Shengge was sober.

The hangover caused her to have a headache, and her throat was dry to smoke. She opened her eyes strenuously and saw Lin Ran's worried face.


"Sister Sheng Ge, you finally woke up!" Lin Ran immediately lifted her up and handed her a glass of water. "You have been sleeping for almost twenty hours."

Ye Shengge drank the water in the glass, and then began to speak: "What's wrong with me?"

"You drank last night, two bottles are full, you have all ran out!" Lin Ran exaggerated, "No wonder you wake up at this point."

Ye Shengge rubbed his temple in pain.

The drunken feeling after being drunk was very comfortable, but the hangover woke up with a headache and exploded. She thought about it for a while, but only remembered that she was drunk when she was drunk, and the memories behind are all Blank.

Did she fall asleep directly later?

But she always felt that a lot of things happened last night. She vaguely felt that she had said a lot, and...

The remnant of her body made her heart thump.

Although her body is very refreshing at this time, she can't miss that feeling, and it is only after she has done it with a man.

She suddenly panicked: "Did anyone come to my room last night?"

"I don't know." Lin Ran's eyes widened in surprise, "I came early in the morning, when there was no one in the room, and you slept well, even with the chains on your feet."

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