Kiss Goodnight, Mr.Ji

Chapter 609: From tyrant to Mingjun

Ye Shengge suddenly blushed: "What are you talking about?"

"Did you really get in touch with that Mike?" Shang Tian was surprised that she blushed.

"Shut up!" Ye Shengge was annoyed. "I was drunk last night, and I was so full of spring-dreams. Are you satisfied?"

Lin Ran looked at her with her eyes wide open and said on her face-I can't think of you as such a singer.

Ye Shengge felt that she was a married woman, and she blushed a little bit like a little girl, so she ignored it calmly: "Come on, before you leave, we will discuss the issues that did not have the time to discuss the day before yesterday. Discuss."



A trip to Greece accumulated a lot of work, so Ji Shiting returned to the company for the first time.

The secretary and assistant were forced to work overtime together, and everyone was worried.

Because in the past few months, the boss has become extremely difficult to serve, and he will not lose his temper with his subordinates, but sometimes a glance is enough to make the subordinates tremble, and everyone's work pressure has become unprecedented.

However, not long ago, Sun Ye was keenly aware that the president’s mood was very good, so even if his subordinates made a mistake, he just asked Yan Yue to get the other party back to do it instead of directly throwing the report as in the previous three months. on the ground.

Sun Ye almost cried with joy, and he immediately realized that the relationship with his wife must have improved-only this thing can make the president change from a tyrant to a Mingjun.

So, Sun Ye took the opportunity to report on the few things that he had put in his hand. Sure enough, the president was not angry at all, and even laughed.

This laugh made Sun Ye want to kneel down to the wife who was said to be filming.

"By the CEO, Miss Cheng called me two days ago and asked if you have time recently..."

"Who?" Ji Shiting raised an eyebrow.

"Uh..." Sun Ye paused, confirming that the boss really didn't remember, and immediately explained, "I have rejected it for you, and I won't let her bother you again in the future."

Ji Shiting nodded slightly and praised him with a rare sentence: "You have done a good job recently, what kind of reward do you want?"

reward? ? ?

As a boss, Ji Shiting is still very generous. Generally, as long as the employees work well, the year-end award will definitely make their efforts pay off, but Ji Shiting never asks individually which employee should be rewarded.

Sun Ye just wanted to cry. Not to be devoted to his hard work in recent years!

"President, I want to go on vacation." He said unkindly. As the chief assistant around Ji Shiting, his salary and year-end awards are very rich, so he is not short of money, but he is extremely short of rest.

"Yes." Ji Shiting nodded without hesitation, "Go to Santorini."

"Ah? I've been there..."

"Then go again." Ji Shiting couldn't help but say the finale.


After finishing the work, Ji Shiting received a call from Qiao Yanze.

"Lao Ji, let me tell you, I won't give you a face this time." Qiao Yanze gritted his teeth. "Although Shi Sheng Studio is also regarded as a TS-owned industry, such a broken studio, you will not care right. Right? I don’t think you’ve managed it in the past few months. I’m going to do it. I see what else the woman can do..."

"No." Ji Shiting interrupted him coldly. "If you dare to move, I will never finish with you."

"I rely on!" Qiao Yanze couldn't bear it, "Lao Ji, you have such a state of mind that you have failed too much, and you don't want others to be good."

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