Kiss Goodnight, Mr.Ji

Chapter 614: And a group photo with handsome male fans

In the office, Ji Shiting zoomed in on this picture, his face sinking in water, and he did not speak for a long time.

On the screen, the woman smiles kindly and sweetly, it seems to show that she is approachable, she also intends to tilt her head to another layer, so that she appears in the center of the camera, and also closer to the men around her .

The two didn't hold hands and raise their arms, but their arms were obviously close together.

If the object of Ye Shengge's photo is an ordinary male fan, Ji Shiting will definitely not think about it, but it is a young and handsome man-although Ji Shiting is confident that this man is not as good as one of his fingers, but Nearly half of the comments praised the value of male fans, and there was even a comment that almost thought the blogger was Ye Shengge’s boyfriend, haha.

boyfriend? This man is blind!

Ji Shiting finally couldn't help it, slammed the tablet on the table, and the back of his angry hands burst into blue.

This woman is really moist and has a mood to take a photo with handsome male fans.

She has never contacted him or put his number out of the blacklist. It seems that she really does not remember what happened that night.

But even if she didn't remember, she knew he was determined to let go, did she not have the slightest pain and sorrow?

Ji Shiting certainly didn't want her to be immersed in pain, but if he left, it would be nothing more than that for her, he couldn't be more happy.

The man's jaw tightened and his eyes were terrible.


Ye Shengge at this time also saw the photo.

As a gossip expert, of course, Lin Ran saw this popular Weibo for the first time, and immediately took it to Ye Shengge to see it. He also called the editor of Shisheng Studio’s official Wei Wei and asked the editor to transfer the Weibo. Bo, by the way, once again emphasized the news that Ye Shengge was filming Chen Anzhi's movie, raising the expectations of netizens.

"Sister Sheng, I'm doing a good job for you." Lin Ran was smug.

"Well, yes." Ye Shengge smiled and put it down, and didn't take it too seriously. At this time, she was worried about how she should send this email.

The filming of "Cross" is nearing completion, and she will be killed in a few days, so she can't escape the responsibility of the studio any more-for example, the studio has serious shortage of resources.

Shang Tianyi called her almost every day to emphasize this problem, but in desperation, she had to remember the solution she had told Shang Tianyi before-email Ji Shiting.

As a subsidiary, now they are in trouble, is it normal to seek help from T.S Group? After all, half of the studio's income must be handed over to T.S Group each year.

Ji Shiting's work mailbox is published on the official website, but Ye Shengge is very clear that this mailbox is actually managed by his assistant. The assistant will first screen it, and the valuable mail will be transferred to him. There is a mailbox that only senior managers or partners who reach a certain level can know.

Ye Shengge did not know, because for her, it was not necessary.

But now she is very troubled, if you send mail to this public mailbox, 100% will sink into the sea.

Is it necessary to call Ji Shiting?

However, direct telephone contact may seem too intimate and not suitable for their current relationship. Moreover, this man has given up, she called him directly, will he misunderstand?

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