Kiss Goodnight, Mr.Ji

Chapter 618: You are separated from me, it is your loss

Ji Shiting didn't expect her reaction to be so great after seeing him. Looking at her with tears in her eyes, the man's heart of dissatisfaction and anger disappeared at this moment, leaving only distress and self-consciousness. responsibility. He squeezed his lips tightly, and the dark pupils contracted to the extreme. Feeling the woman's small struggle, he unconsciously let go.

Ye Shengge's eyelashes trembled, and he lowered his head to avoid his gaze. She tried to calm herself down, but her rapid and disordered breathing had exposed too much.

She seemed to grab a life-saving straw and sent the report to his hands, dumbly said: "The results of the studio for the past six months and the next plan are all in this report. Trouble You see."

Ji Shiting's throat knot rolled and took the report from her hand, but did not turn it over immediately.

"Are you killed?" he asked in a deep voice.

Ye Shengge froze for a moment and nodded gently.

Ji Shiting groaned unexplainedly: "So, where are you going to hide next?"

"...No." Ye Shengge spit out the word in a low voice, feeling the pain in the heart of the heart. "Unless I want to work, I will not leave Yangcheng. After all..."

Ji Shiting's breath was messy for a moment. After a while, he laughed at himself: "Because I have given up, you naturally don't need to hide anymore, do you?"

Ye Shengge shuddered, his voice choked: "Ji Shiting, although you have given up, but... but I still want to say that the source of my pain and weakness is not you, but...I must be separated from you This thing... sorry."

She was incoherent. After she finished speaking, there was no reaction to seeing the man. She couldn't help but add: "I mean... don't blame yourself, I..."

"I know. You are separated from me. It's your loss. What do I have to blame." Ji Shiting interrupted her lightly, her eyes dark and fierce.

It seems that this woman really forgot what happened that night, so she did not know that she had already said the same thing.

Ye Shengge bit her lip and nodded staringly: "That's right. So, I... I should go."

"Where do you plan to go?" Ji Shiting's eyes dimmed and he opened the report in his hand. "You think it's finished when you send the report? If that's the case, why should I let you run?"

Ye Shengge was speechless.

Having said that, Ji Shiting has turned his attention to the content of the report.

Ye Shengge can only stand and wait. Fortunately, Ji Shiting looked very quickly, almost ten lines at a glance, but in three or five seconds he turned to the next page, half a minute later, the man closed the report in his hand.

"The business scope is too thin." Ji Shiting pointed out sharply, "Whether it is the current business content or the future development plan, it is entirely a small workshop model. This model has very limited potential and is not worthy of T.S dedicated resources."

"This is only temporary." Ye Shengge couldn't help but distinguish. "After all, the studio is still in its infancy, and the food needs to be eaten bit by bit..."

"It's all an excuse." The man sneered. "You have planned to rely on T.S resources from the beginning, and you don't want to establish a separate and stable resource delivery channel for the studio."

Ye Shengge spoke subconsciously: "That's promised..."

"In the beginning, I was just trying to make you happy, so that you could cooperate with me more in bed." The man said, black eyes staring at her, "Of course, this is not necessary now."

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