Kiss Goodnight, Mr.Ji

Chapter 620: Your life should not be tied to me

With a snap, Ye Shengge recovered from his trance.

She looked up at the dark black eyes of the man, and after a while, she said in a mute voice: "Even... Even if you are willing to wait for me, our relationship will not change. We still can't meet frequently, and I still can't... …"

With that, she paused.

Ji Shiting smiled in a deep voice: "You still can't let me touch you?"

Ye Shengge lowered his eyes and said softly, "Yes. Even so, do you still have to wait for me?"

Ji Shiting looked at her quietly for a while, and then suddenly smiled: "I said, waiting is not the same as me, it makes no difference to me. Anyway, they all have the same desire to be dissatisfied."

"Not the same." Ye Shengge shook his head gently. "It is only after you give up me that you can really open your heart to accept others. If you decide to wait for me, then, even if there is a woman who can make your heart appear, you will not Will give yourself any chance."

"Maybe I won't wait long before giving up." He snorted softly.

"You won't." Ye Shengge looked up at her, and her eyes were so soft and sad.

Ji Shiting's eyes were deep and his voice was hoarse: "So, your answer will not change."

Her face seemed pale, and under the eyes of the man, she nodded slowly and firmly: "Yes, I still hope you don't wait for me. Ji Shiting, your life shouldn't be bound by me live."

The man squeezed his lips, but what surprised Ye Shengge was that he was not angry-he didn't even seem surprised by the answer.

"I will tell you that in the future, T.S invested movies and TV shows will give priority to picking people at Shisheng Studio." Ji Shiting said lightly, "You can rest assured."

Ye Shengge suddenly felt his eyes blurred.

She blinked her eyes desperately to push back the urge to cry, and then spit out two words in a mute voice: "Thank you."

Having finished speaking, she turned and walked outside the office.

This time Ji Shiting did not stop her.

Ye Shengge hated himself very much at this time. Why is she so cruel, she has to push away this man again and again, maybe one day she will regret it for life.

However, he is Ji Shi Ting...... The achievements and value created by this man, the ordinary person can't count on him throughout his life, his life is still very broad, even if she can't help him, it can't be his drag .

Ye Shengge thought so, but his eyes became more and more vague, and the temple also felt like a needle prick. The moment she held the door, she suddenly staggered, and her forehead couldn't help but touched the door, she seemed to borrow This relieves this sudden dizziness.

......The consequences of not sleeping for more than thirty hours came out. She was anxious. However, the more anxious, the weaker her hands were, and her ears were buzzing. I didn't know that after a few seconds, one arm suddenly caught Her waist fell, and she fell into a hot embrace.

"I...I'm fine..." She was forced to lean on the man's chest, but she still tried her best to open her eyes, "You let me down."

Ji Shiting said nothing, took her to the sofa and sat down, his long fingers flicked away the long hair scattered on the woman's face, and his handsome face was angry: "How long have you not taken a good rest, um ?"

"No, I had a good rest, but I hurried back to Yangcheng yesterday. I didn't have time to sleep, and I couldn't sleep on the plane." She bit her lip and explained with a sense of grievance.

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