Kiss Goodnight, Mr.Ji

Chapter 630: Me and Mr. Ji are just friends

Ye Shengge has had enough interviews these days, but in view of her still high level of topics, the media is still full of strong curiosity and curiosity for her.

So, although she and Cheng Xinyue stood together, most of the microphones were in front of her. However, Ye Shengge is not afraid. For those tricky problems, she can either fight Tai Chi or make a fuss about it. They are easily resolved one by one, and the reporters are helpless.

Cheng Xinyue on the side saw this scene, and his face was blue. She forced herself to focus on the reporters' questions, but turned her head, but found that the scene of the artist was walking on the red carpet just now.

Today's artists wear the dresses provided by the H family, so there is no comparison in the style of the dress, but the effect of wearing is very different.

Cheng Xinyue deliberately confessed that her agent had won an evening dress for her. Ye Shengge was assigned a knee-length dress. However, the woman wore a small dress out of a gentle and sweet atmosphere, very in line with H The overall positioning of the family, coupled with the woman's wit and calmness in the interview, as long as there is no accident, the H family is definitely more interested in Ye Shengge.

Cheng Xinyue secretly gritted his teeth.

At this moment, she suddenly heard the reporter in front of her and asked, "I heard that Mr. Ji of T.S Group appointed you as the heroine of "The Wind and the Crane". Can you reveal your current relationship with Mr. Ji?"

"Don't get me wrong, Mr. Ji and I are just good friends." Cheng Xinyue smiled shyly. "It's just occasional chat."

"Oh, what are you talking about?" the reporter asked curiously.

"Mr. Ji mentioned Ms. Ye to me." Cheng Xinyue suddenly looked at Ye Shengge next to him and smiled, "Mr. Ji is a very kind person, he said, he sympathizes with Miss Ye, after all, Miss Ye's face There is such a big birthmark, but Ms. Ye hides it very well. If it was not an accident, Mr. Ji would not find it..."


In a few words, the amount of information disclosed is too great!

In other words, Ye Shengge did have a big birthmark on her face. She was hiding very well at the beginning, but she was still found by Mr. Ji, so she was dumped... This kind of thing, Mr. Ji said to Cheng Xinyue It seems that Cheng Xinyue is really Mr. Ji's new love!

The eyes of a group of reporters immediately light up! Some people started editing news content on the spot, some were still asking for details to get more information, and others were taking photos of Cheng Xinyue crazy.

It was very noisy around, Ye Shengge didn't hear what Cheng Xinyue said, but the reporters had exchanged messages quickly, so she saw the group of reporters in front of her as if they were suddenly beaten up!

"Miss Ye, Miss Cheng Xinyue said, you have a big birthmark on your face, just covered by you, is it true?"

"It is said that you were discovered by Mr. Ji because of the birthmark, so you were dumped. Is this the case?"

"Mr. Ji told you Cheng Xinyue about your business as a joke, how do you feel?"

"You haven't shown up in the past few months, did you really go to the movies? Or after being dumped by Mr. Ji, you have to go abroad for treatment?"

Even the general problems of Ye Zhuge made Ye Shengge stunned for a moment.

She looked subconsciously at Cheng Xinyue, just a contemptuous and pityful smile to the upper woman.

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