Kiss Goodnight, Mr.Ji

Chapter 632: Shameless

Cheng Xinyue looked at Ye Shengge's fearless smile and finally began to play drums.

Because if Ye Shengge didn't have that birthmark on her face, then today, she would be completely a joke.

But this is the end of the matter. In the face of the reporters' eyes and eager gaze, if she flinches, she is still a joke.

Forget it, gamble!

Seeing that Ye Shengge had started to remove her eye makeup, she could only close her eyes and wipe off the eye shadow mascara and eyeliner one by one, followed by lip makeup and base makeup, but within five minutes, she had already put Makeup remover is clean.

Although Cheng Xinyue is not willing to show her face, she is not particularly afraid. After all, she is also quite confident in her face value.

She took the hot towel from the staff and put it on her face. At this moment, she heard the cry of exclamation around her.

Cheng Xinyue thought that Ye Shengge's birthmark was exposed, and he was so happy that he immediately put down the towel and looked at it. It happened that Ye Shengge also turned to look at her and smiled at her.

Cheng Xinyue was suddenly struck by lightning!

The woman's face was clean and there was no so-called red birthmark!

The reporters are taking crazy pictures of her!

"Disappointed you, Miss Cheng." Ye Shengge smiled slightly. "Now, it turns out that you have indeed slandered me. So, do you need to apologize to me?"

The reporters swarmed and pointed the microphone at Cheng Xinyue. She was hit by a problem like a bead, and her face was pale and shaky.


The news that Ye Shengge and Cheng Xinyue were removing makeup in public at the event site became popular again.

The reporter described the antecedents and consequences very clearly and is full of drama, so netizens knew that Cheng Xinyue was provocative first, but Ye Shengge slapped his face fiercely. This kind of story is happy to see, and without exception, he went on a hot search again. .

After watching the motion pictures of the two people removing makeup, Ye Shengge's fans were already crying excitedly.

"I think who dare to say that we have birthmarks on Shengge's face, really black people are not thinking!"

"No one finds that Ye Shengge's face is super beautiful? Her facial features are very bright, but after removing makeup, she has another taste... Anyway, it is beautiful!"

"In comparison, Cheng Xinyue is much worse. Although it is not ugly, but his face is very poor, and there are dark circles. After removing makeup, it looks so haggard."

"Cheng Xinyue is miserable this time. However, Cheng Xinyue is not a fool. If she is not sure, how can she talk nonsense in front of the reporter? Who gave her courage?"

"She also said that Mr. Ji told her... Don't make fun [smile]"

"Maybe what she said is true, but she didn't expect Ye Shengge to have eliminated her birthmark. But even then, she lost her face."


At the same time, the 1912 Clubhouse.

Ji Shiting and Qiao Yanze Yu Shuhang are here.

The three people have not been together for a long time, so when receiving a call from Yu Shuhang, Ji Shiting did not refuse.

Recently, Qiao Yanze began to contact the core business of his family, and Yu Shuhang's burden became heavier and heavier. The two couldn't help but talk to Ji Shiting.

Ji Shiting was holding his glass and listening casually.

"Hey, are you listening?" Qiao Yanze gave him a glance.

"Childish vomiting, what's so good." Ji Shiting raised an eyebrow. "You just relaxed for too long."

Qiao Yanze sneered.

Yu Shuhang poured wine for them.

"Speaking of it, what does it mean for the three of us big men to drink?"

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