Kiss Goodnight, Mr.Ji

Chapter 635: I want to sleep with you, so come and try your luck

"Why are you here?"

Before Shi Shengge made a sound, Ji Shiting had already spoken first.

Ye Shengge lost his mind for a moment, and looked at the surrounding environment subconsciously-wasn't it normal for her to appear here, not far from her home?

Ji Shiting raised an eyebrow and said in a deep voice: "I thought you moved away. After all, living here is not convenient for you."

Ye Shengge nodded stunnedly: "When you find a suitable place, move..."

Now that she is too red, this face is very likely to be recognized. Living in this ordinary residential area is neither safe nor convenient, so Shang Tianyi has long said that she will find a new place for her, just No suitable place has been found yet.

Ji Shiting looked at her deeply. I don’t know if it’s her illusion. The woman’s face looks extremely pale, as if frightened—even if he was surprised to see him, she wouldn’t be scared like this.

"Then... why are you here too?" Ye Shengge finally seemed to calm down.

Relatively speaking, is the appearance of this man even more unreasonable?

Ji Shiting didn't speak. He took out a cigarette and walked to her while igniting.

Behind Ye Shengge is the car. She avoids it and she can only watch the man approaching.

Ji Shiting quickly stood in front of her and took a deep breath.

The streetlights were dim, and the man's handsome face was half hidden in the shadows, with a deep look. Sometimes the lights swept over his dark eyes, and his concentration was a little dangerous.

Ye Shengge suddenly felt that he had become his prey again.

She lowered her head to avoid his gaze, and as soon as she spoke, her voice was hoarse.

" haven't answered my question..."

He suddenly smiled faintly.

"I want to sleep with you, so come here and try your luck." He was outspoken, "Maybe you agreed at once."

Ye Shengge was stunned. For a time, he didn't know if he really thought so, or he was just teasing her.

Seeing her in a daze, Ji Shiting leaned down slightly and seemed to want to kiss her.

"No." Ye Shengge immediately reached out his hands against his chest. "I won't be softhearted."

Ji Shiting straightened his body, looked at her condescendingly, took another bite with a cigarette butt, and then spit out gently.

The moment she smelled the smoke, Ye Shengge suddenly reacted-she may now be a pregnant woman.

She almost subconsciously said: "Don't smoke, it's bad for your health."

Ji Shiting was a little surprised.

He has always had the habit of smoking, she knows, but she also knows that his smoking addiction is not heavy.

The woman had never objected before when he was with him...

Despite the doubt, Ji Shiting still twisted the cigarette butts in a good direction and threw them in the direction of the trash can.

"Isn't it a little possible." He ticked his lips, "I'll just leave when I'm done."

"Ji Shi Ting, you..." She was so upset for a moment, "You... solved it!"


"So how did you solve it before you met me?"

"Oh, you raised my threshold." He raised an eyebrow. "After sleeping with you, no other solution is boring."

"...In any case, I will not agree." Ye Shengge looked away.

"Are you afraid that I'm going to sleep with another woman?" The man's voice fell deep.

"You have already used this trick." Ye Shengge's eyes began to feel hot. "And..."

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