Kiss Goodnight, Mr.Ji

Chapter 782: I heard you made a big contribution this time? Congratulations

When Jiang Yu arrived, she saw that the girl was sitting on the stairs, she was holding her knees in a daze, her ruddy face became completely bloodless, and the whole person looked lifeless.

Even though he had been psychologically prepared, this situation still made his heart tingle.

"Jing Tong." The man walked in front of her, his voice tight. "Your father has reserved an education fund for you, enough for you to finish your studies."

Hearing his voice, the girl finally looked up and her eyes were blank.

It seemed that after a while, she recognized who the person was.

"Jiang Yu, it's you." She murmured softly.

"It's me." Jiang Yu said with a deep voice, "You have something to help in the future, just speak."

Jing Tong listened stunned and suddenly smiled: "What is this, charity?"

"No. Anyway, we have known each other for so many years, I can't ignore you." Jiang Yu said, "I have always regarded you as a sister."

Jing Tong suddenly let out a whimper from the throat.

"Sister..." Her tone was strangely indescribable, "Jiang Yu, I just wanted to ask you, my father's things, did you know it already."

Jiang Yu's hands clenched tightly, but due to his character, he couldn't lie: "...Yes."

"What role do you play in it?" Jing Tong looked straight at him.

"The evidence of your father's violation of discipline was submitted by me." Jiang Yu said word by word.

Jing Tong embraced his chest with both hands, and the whole person started to tremble.

"Why, Jiang Yu, why..."

"He made a big mistake, I must stop him." Jiang Yu said without hesitation, "For you, he is a good father, but for others, he is a devil. Jing Tong, you should Know, your dad is not innocent at all."

At the end, his tone has become harsh.

Jing Tong laughed, his laughter grew louder, and his tears came out.

"Jing Tong?" Jiang Yu slightly frowned.

"Yes, my father deserves it." She held the railing and stood up slowly. "I have accepted this fact long ago. I don't need you to tell me. I just don't understand why you are."

"If it is someone else, the evidence may not be passed on..."

"You always have a reason." Jing Tong choked with a soft voice, "I only know that when you were making this decision, you never thought about it for me, even for a second."

How cold and ruthless this man is. At this time, he still eloquently said in front of her that her father deserved it. It’s okay if it’s someone else, but she doesn’t understand why it’s him and why he’s going to continue to stab him with a hole in his heart.

Jiang Yu's breath suffocated and his lips moved, but he paused again when he wanted to say something.

"Thank you." The girl looked at him with a crying smile. "In this way, let me know how much you hate me, and let me completely die for you."

All fantasies were completely broken at this moment, and she clearly realized how ridiculous she was.

"Jing Tong!" Jiang Yu suddenly felt a sharp heartache. He unconsciously reached out to help her, but the girl was severely thrown away.

"I heard that you made a big contribution this time? Congratulations, you should be promoted soon." Jing Tong has a weird tone, "No wonder you have to hand over the materials yourself, otherwise, how could this credit fall to you Over head."

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