Kiss Goodnight, Mr.Ji

Chapter 787: Before birth, so many people love them

Ten days later, early in the morning.

Ye Shengge was awakened by a cramp in her calf. She sighed in a sigh, suppressing the moan in her mouth.

Fortunately, during this time, Sister Xiu slept on the sofa in her bedroom. When she heard the movement, Sister Xiu sat up violently and rushed to the big bed, skillfully holding her acupuncture points to relieve her cramps.

Ye Shengge's eyebrows finally eased: "Much better, thank you."

"Young lady, you are welcome." Sister Xiu continued to massage her. "It's still early, would you like to sleep a little longer?"

Ye Shengge shook his head: "I can't sleep."

After hearing this, Sister Xiu was sad, and her lips moved. After all, she swallowed all the words of relief.

"Okay." She finally nodded and bent to pick up the shoes and put on Ye Shengge.

Half an hour later, Ye Shengge came to the restaurant for breakfast. She ate slowly and seriously, as if eating was a matter for her to be cautious.

Sister Xiu stood aside silently, but felt that Ye Shengge's quiet eating at this time was more distressing than ever.

No matter the old house or Qianfan Villa, everyone is most worried about Mrs. Shao. Uncle Jin would call her every day to ask about Madam Young's situation. She even stayed with Madam Young for 24 hours.

But to everyone's surprise, the young lady looked calmer than ever.

She eats on time and will never be hungry. She walks for at least half an hour in the evening, or does yoga for pregnant women, working hard to accumulate energy for production, and spends an hour a day dealing with work. She spends the rest of the time looking at childcare. Books, as well as prenatal education.

They don't need to worry at all.

But the more this is, the more distressed Sister Xiu is.

She used to think that Madam Young was a pretty little girl, especially when she got along with the young master, so much so that she thought that the news of the disappearance of the young master would make the young lady collapse, but the fact is quite the opposite. The performance is stronger than the old man.

Sister Xiu suddenly understood why the young master hurt the young lady in his bones.

Thinking of this, she was suddenly uncomfortable and could not help wiping her eyes with her hand.

Ye Shengge happened to put down the chopsticks at this time.

"I've eaten well." Ye Shengge smiled at her. "Sister Xiu, how is the baby's room arranged? Does Grandpa let the items sent by Uncle Jin still pile up?"

Sister Xi put away her sad emotions all at once and smiled: "Of course, I opened another toy house, anyway, there are many empty rooms at home."

Ye Shengge put his hands on his stomach and murmured softly: "The two little guys are actually very lucky. There are so many people who love them before they are born."

Sister Xiu wanted to cry again, but she tried hard to hold back.

At this moment, Sun Ye came in.

Sun Ye was discharged from the hospital a week ago. After leaving the hospital, he couldn't care about the rest. He went to the place where he and Ji Shiting had an accident for the first time, provided clues to Feng Jing as much as possible, and spent a few days there.

Unfortunately, there is still no clue, and the river was nearly blocked by the scene.

After Sun Ye returned, he returned to the T.S Group to assist several vice presidents, so seeing him now, Ye Shengge was a little surprised.

She squeezed her lips tightly and almost involuntarily raised some hope, but seeing Sun Ye's face, she pressed down the hope in her heart-if there was news of Shi Ting, Sun Ye would not It's this expression.

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