Kiss Goodnight, Mr.Ji

Chapter 891: Stay tonight, eh?

"You..." Ye Shengge stared at him fiercely, but no longer had the strength to make trouble with him again.

"My time is yours tonight, okay?" He smirked.

"Do I have to thank you for your alms?" Ye Shengge laughed bitterly at himself.

Ji Shiting raised an eyebrow.

"So, I'll say it differently." His black eyes stared straight at her. "Stay tonight, eh? I miss you."

Ye Shengge's nose was sour and he put his head on the man's shoulder. He clearly had a familiar embrace and breath. He was already trying to coax her, but she still felt sad.

Ji Shiting looked at her red eyes and couldn't stop sobbing, her heart hurt a little.

The elevator stopped with a ding.

He took her out of the elevator, quickly found the room number, swiped the card into the door, and saw that the woman in her arms was still blank and powerless.

"I asked them to send me another meal." His long finger caught her chin and asked her to look up at him, "Do you want it?"

Ye Shengge nodded dismissively, and put his head on his shoulder.

Ji Shiting was stunned and took her a little tighter. He said slightly: "If the cooperation fails, it means that York is too small-minded, and this kind of cooperation object should not be worthy of nostalgia."

Ye Shengge bit her lip: "But the next partner may not be as good as him, do you want to destroy it? I contact the CEOs and senior officials of large companies, most of them are men, and some of them like me The shares of TS I owned wanted to marry me. Some thought I was bullying. They took the verbal advantage unscrupulously. Others decided that I was lonely and unbearable. I directly proposed to have a night with me..."

Ji Shiting listened more and more angry: "They are looking for death! Who are they, do you remember?"

He heard Qiao Yanze mentioned that she was very popular, but he did not expect that the so-called men who were interested in her were mostly this kind of bullying full of malice and disrespect.

"It doesn't matter who they are. More often, it's just a tactic. They thought that humiliating me would defeat my psychological defense, so that I would have the upper hand in the negotiation." Ye Shengge sucked his nose. "Of course, I also They won’t sit back and wait, basically won’t let them succeed.”

Ji Shiting was still angry, he clenched her hands to her lips, and his voice was hoarse: "I'm sorry."

She shouldn't have taken it because it was not her responsibility.

"So, you should know that a partner like York is already very rare, at least he didn't disrespect me." Ye Shengge bit his lip, "but you said I'm giving him a courteous smile."

Ji Shiting froze for a moment, but could not deny it.

He was so angry just now that he did say so.

"Just now I was speechless." He was both distressed and regretful, and kissed her eyes softly. "I apologize to you, eh?"

"Not only that, sometimes I will deliberately hang each other, let him think he can get me, so that in some minor details, the other party will make concessions." Ye Shengge said, looking at him with wide eyes, "Actually, I had planned to do the same with York, at least I would reserve room and would not reject him completely."

Ji Shiting's pupils slightly enlarged, and his dark eyes did not reach the bottom.

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