Kiss Goodnight, Mr.Ji

Chapter 910: Isn't it just to sleep a woman!

The girl was helpless: "Should I accompany you to the hospital?"

"No, no." His face flushed with red eyes. "You'd better stay away from me."

"So how can you do it, do you have a fever?" As she said, her soft hand covered his forehead.

Gu Yi couldn't help but shuddered, trying to push her away but... not willing.

The girl is so fragrant, and she is so beautiful...

He continued to stare blankly at the girl's close face.

"It's hot..." The girl frowned, "Did you really have a fever?"

"No." Gu Yimo blurted out. "My forehead is hot because of you."

The girl froze for a moment, her cheeks suddenly turned red.

She withdrew her hand and tentatively grabbed Gu Yimo's clothes corner, and it sounded like a gnat: "Then...then let's go to bed..."

Gu Yimo seemed to be bewitched, but did not push her away.

The most important thing is that he found that after real contact, the woman is not so terrible, and the girl in front of him is very kind, and will not laugh at him like the girls in the previous school.

He swallowed several times in a row, and suddenly he felt a sense of pride.

Isn't it just to sleep a woman! What is terrible!

If he flinches tonight, Ji Shiting Qiao Yanze will definitely be laughing at them tomorrow! He is not bad!

Thinking of this, he nodded with a broken wrist.

The girl smiled shyly, grabbed him and walked to the bed, then lay down on the bed.

Gu Yimo took a deep breath, summoned the courage to climb to the bed, and slowly leaned down.

The girl's big apricot eyes still showed a bit of shyness and anxiety. Her delicate lips were like petals. Gu Yimo's mind suddenly went blank. It seemed that she couldn't understand how she lay a beautiful girl under her.

This is simply the plot in the movie he usually watches.

The girl smiled when she saw him look dull.

Her mother was seriously ill and could not raise medical expenses. She had no choice but to sell her body. However, she did not expect that she would be so lucky to meet such a guest.

Not only did she not be afraid of him, she thought he was a little cute. The shy expectation in her heart was greater than the fear of panic as she connected to what was going to happen.

She raised her arm, hugged him carefully, and then raised her head and kissed the corner of his lips quickly.

Gu Yimo shuddered, his eyes wide open.

The girl was suddenly embarrassed and turned her face aside. Gu Yimo suddenly reached out and held her face, kissed it heavily, and then kissed like a bewitched non-stop, until the end, he almost Asthmatic as a cow, blushing can drip at any time.

The girl was trembling with his kiss. She closed her eyes and blushed to let him do whatever she wanted. Soon, she felt the clothes were lifted, and the man kissed her rudely on her chest. Heavier and heavier, just when the girl thought he was going to take the final step, he seemed to shudder fiercely, and then immediately fell on her body, gasping heavily.

The girl opened her eyes in surprise, facing the man's eyes as if the world had collapsed.

"I...I..." Gu Yimo blushed and looked at the girl's surprised eyes. He suddenly got up from her, "I'll go to the sofa!"

"Mr. Gu!" The girl's voice was wronged and puzzled.

However, Gu Yimo ran faster and almost fled.

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