Kiss Goodnight, Mr.Ji

Chapter 932: You're crazy!

"Huo Shao, please let go!" Ye Shengge's tone was urgent.

Ji Shiting glanced at her, her face sinking like water.

Of course, he knew that Ye Shengge's approach was the most reasonable choice at the moment, but he just couldn't. Even if she didn't have any worries about life, it didn't mean that she would not be hurt.

In contrast, he would rather reveal his identity. After all, he is their goal. With him in, Ye Shengge will be safer, maybe the other party will let her go.

Thinking of this, he suddenly laughed.

Hearing this laughter, Ye Shengge's heart tightened: "Huo Shao, don't be stupid, so many people, you can't take me away. You can rest assured that I won't have any worries about life, the boss lady just keeps me here as a guest . Isn't it the boss?"

The woman glanced at her with a raised eyebrow and nodded happily: "Yes. Huo Shao, she really doesn't need to be saved by you."

Ye Shengge took the opportunity to free Ji Shiting's hand fiercely, and quickly backed away, his eyes with a prayer: "Huo Shao, go quickly."

Ji Shiting's hand stretched out in the air, suddenly tightening hard.

The woman grabbed Ye Shengge's arm and laughed: "Mrs. Ji, another man dumped for you, you really are very charming."

Ye Shengge ignored her, just urged Ji Shiting with his eyes.

At this moment, a languid voice suddenly sounded beside him: "Boss Hua, this one in front of you, I'm afraid it's not really Huo Shao."

The woman known as Boss Hua was taken aback: "What?"

Ye Shengge sank fiercely in one heart.

Xiao Ruilang! This bastard!

Ji Shiting's pupils contracted slightly, perhaps Xiao Ruilang's words made a decision for him. He withdrew his hand, smiled calmly, and looked at the person who came: "Xiao Ruilang, you are really afraid that the world will not be chaotic."

"I don't think I guessed wrong." Xiao Ruilang walked over and laughed, "Brother Shi Ting, we haven't seen for a long time."

"Ji Shi Ting? Are you Ji Shi Ting?" Boss Hua was surprised and delighted.

"He's not!" Ye Shengge snapped, "What a joke, Shi Ting doesn't look like this! Huo Shao, you go!"

"Don't go! Stop him!" Boss Hua's voice was overjoyed. She looked at Xiao Ruilang, "Mr. Xiao, how do you know he is Ji Shiting?"

"Intuition." Xiao Ruilang smiled and glanced across Ye Shengge's body, "And besides him, who else can make our wife Ji so sick?"

Ye Shengge breathed heavily and stared at Xiao Ruilang fiercely. If his eyes could kill, Xiao Ruilang had already died countless times!

"No need to guess, I am Ji Shiting." The man smiled lightly and looked at Boss Hua. "You tied Shengge, didn't you just want to lead me out? You let Shengge leave, and I will deal with you."

"It turns out that you really aren't dead..." Boss Hua's expression is a little weird. "But I also remember you don't look like this."

"He is not Ji Shiting." Ye Shengge still refused to give up. "Huo Shao, you really don't need to do this for me."

"Oh, really touching." Xiao Ruilang said coolly.

Ye Shengge was so angry. Seeing that he didn't know when he had walked to her side, she simply lifted the skirt and stepped on his instep with extreme force.

Xiao Ruilang's face twisted instantly.

"Shut up! Do something harmful to yourself, you're crazy!"

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