Kiss Goodnight, Mr.Ji

Chapter 940: What is that birthmark?

Ye Shengge gritted his teeth and sneered after a while: "You really should go to hell."

Ji Shiting's throat slipped, and Shen Sheng said, "I didn't find out about the boy's death."

"Yes, few people knew about the case back then. Miss Ye's parents used some means to silence the media in order to protect her, so you can't see any reports." Professor Xu said, "The boy's parents later I also left Yangcheng, there are fewer and fewer insiders, and of course you can’t find it. I actually recorded this in my notes. Of course, it was recorded without revealing my secrets, perhaps by default. Have you seen that kid?"

Ji Shiting's eyes were dull and he didn't speak.

"Okay, let's continue." Professor Xu smiled. "After Miss Ye's home, she was affected by another personality, and your family was all tortured, so your parents came to seek my help."

Ye Shengge clenched his fists.

Her parents think that Professor Xu is credible, who knows that he is the initiator!

"You are a rare object of observation. In fact, I originally intended to perfunctory your parents." Professor Xu said, "But the personality I set for you is a bit excessive, I worry that she will kill you one day. It’s a pity, so I thought of at least making you grow into an adult, so I directed your parents to go to that country and let them go to the witch doctor there, and since then, you have more faces A red birthmark, right? It’s just that I didn’t expect your parents to happen to encounter wars, so I had no time to send you back."

"What is that birthmark?" Ye Shengge said in a dumb voice.

"It's a barrier material. With it, you can put your chip in a silent state. In this way, your other personality will also sleep completely." Professor Xu chuckled, "But once that birthmark disappears, the chip starts to turn on. Current, it will start working again, and another personality will come out, occupying your consciousness from time to time. I was originally planning to wait for you to use another material to wash your birthmarks in adulthood, but I haven’t waited for you As an adult, I contacted Jingyuan. He is very interested in my research and is willing to fund me. I am very happy because my research has been stalled for a long time because there is no funding, so I promised him without hesitation. I chose to die, completely abandoned my original identity, and finally came here. Speaking of it, I am also curious about how your birthmark disappeared. I later saw your news on the Internet and there are rumors about the murder of a second person. , I knew that the personality I set was resurrected."

Ye Shengge certainly wouldn't tell him how the birthmark was erased.

She took a deep breath: "But the other one was not so bloodthirsty afterwards, and finally disappeared."

"Yes, the life of the chip material is limited after all, and..." He narrowed his eyes. "Although the personality I set is a program, it seems that she is also growable and will be subject to the host. Influence of my consciousness and personality."

The host, not the personality.

This word clearly shows that the other personality is just an outsider parasitic on herself. She thought it was part of her own consciousness, but it was not.

She couldn't help shivering, even though the chip might have failed, she still felt a creepy feeling.

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