Kiss Goodnight, Mr.Ji

Chapter 943: Women will inevitably use emotions

Unpredictable means that Ji Shiting is likely to die.

"I won't let you get close to him!" Ye Shengge was angry. "You madman, you neurosis, you are simply... why don't you die!"

"Sheng Ge." Ji Shiting embraced her heavily, her thin lips pressed against her forehead, and her voice was low and mute, "Don't be afraid, it's okay."

Ye Shengge threw himself into his arms and shivered uncontrollably: "Shi Ting, you must not cooperate with him, never! I would rather die than let him operate on you!"

Not to mention that once the operation fails, Ji Ting is likely to die. Even if he succeeds, he will become another person. This surnamed Xu set a cruel and bloodthirsty personality for her, who knew what he would turn Ji Shiting?

Professor Xu looked at the two with interest. He seemed very happy to see how angry and crumbled they were.

However, Ye Shengge is really angry, but Ji Shiting has always been too calm, as if he did not know his current situation at all.

Professor Xu narrowed his eyes. After a while, he suddenly smiled and said, "Miss Ye, I can also set up a personality for you again. The original chip cannot be taken out. It is also possible to implant another one."

"You dream!" Ye Shengge was furious. If Ji Shiting didn't hug her, she might not be able to beat Professor Xu now.

However, at this moment, she suddenly felt a sharp pain in her neck, and then her eyes were black, and the whole person fell uncontrollably into Ji Shiting's arms.

Ji Shiting withdrew his hands, looked at her quiet appearance, and glanced over a deep, dark mood. He put her gently on the sofa and leaned back, then looked at Professor Xu.

Professor Xu raised his eyebrows in surprise: "What do you mean?"

"A woman is inevitably emotional and too idealistic." Ji Shiting tickled his lips. "Let her be quiet for a while before we can continue talking."

Professor Xu's eyes glanced over with consternation, and then he smiled thoughtfully: "Mr. Ji, I did not misread you."

"So I didn't refute you just now. It's just that women who fall in love always like to think that their man is perfect." Ji Shiting's tone was slightly sneered, and his posture relaxed, "There is a saying that you are right If this technology is in my hands, I will be excited about it."

Professor Xu raised his eyebrows high and said nothing for a while.

"Jingyuan is in jail, you have lost your funding source, so in the past few years, your research progress has been slow. Apart from me, there has not been any "upper person" in your mouth who has become your subject, but your success. The rate is too low, you are afraid that the accidental death of those senior officials will cause unnecessary trouble." Ji Shiting said lightly.

Professor Xu made a hum from his nasal cavity and said nothing for a while.

"The reason why you started working on me was because I happened to arouse the vigilance of many people. Even if I disappeared or died, others would think that this is a far-sighted handwriting, or other people who treat me as an enemy. No one will delve into the greasiness." Ji Shiting said with a smile. "You are staring at me now. You are eager to replace me with the personality you set. In the end, it is still for money. You need me unconditionally. Provide you with funds, a steady stream of funds. Am I right?"

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