Kiss Goodnight, Mr.Ji

Chapter 946: Are you caring about me?

At twelve in the night, Qiao Yanze and Gu Yimo stayed in a hotel near the banquet.

"My friend surnamed Huo feedbacked that Ting left in the evening, he played a little blackjack with Xiao Ruilang, won, and earned a billion yuan, and took it away. A lady at the banquet." Qiao Yanze looked solemn. "It seems that he should have found the sister-in-law. But they never came out."

Gu Yimo sighed: "So, the two of them are likely to be found."

Qiao Yanze sneered suddenly; "It must be related to Xiao Ruilang. Others cannot recognize Shi Ting, but he is not new to Shi Ting. It is likely that his name broke Shi Ting's identity."

"Yes!" Gu Yimo smashed his desktop angrily, "I will locate his whereabouts!"

"He probably knows what happened at the scene, but he probably won't say it." Qiao Yanze's tone was annoyed. "If it doesn't work, someone will beat him up."

He brought all the bodyguards from the Ji's house and the bodyguards he kept. With these people alone, it was impossible to enter the dinner party to grab people, but he could fight Xiao Ruilang for a breath.

Gu Yimo's hands danced quickly on the keyboard: "Okay, I'm almost there!"

Qiao Yanze took the opportunity to call Li Yinian.

Ji Shiting and Ye Shengge both left, and the two children were in a low mood at night, so Li Yinian was with the two children at Qianfan Villa at this time.

When Qiao Yanze received a call, she happened to send two little guys to bed.

"How is it?" Li Yinian said urgently, "Is there any news?"

"No." Qiao Yanze's voice was solemn. "They are likely to be found, and they will probably not be able to get out of the body in a while."

Li Yinian breathed heavily: "It's almost the birthday of the two children, they are not here, Achen and Qing'er should be sad..."

"I know." Qiao Yanze pursed his lips. "How is the old man?"

"The old man has fallen asleep, and he has been trying to find a way at night, but Mr. Ji and Sheng Ge have only been missing for a few hours. The police on the Beijing side refused to file a case. The old man had a friend who could speak, and the police had promised to make an exception. But as soon as they heard that the missing place was a night banquet, they said nothing and would not be alerted." Li Yinian's tone was deeply worried.

Qiao Yanze slowly exhaled before speaking: "You just take care of the two children, I will inform you as soon as there is news. Take a break early."

"Okay." Li Yinian responded, then paused and said, "You..."


"You... pay attention to safety." Li Yinian finally couldn't help but spit out these words.

Qiao Yanze froze for a moment, then he smiled: "Are you caring about me?"

Li Yinian immediately felt annoyed and said stiffly: "No. You also have to rest early."

Hang up the phone after speaking.

Qiao Yanze listened to the busy tone on the phone, but the smile on his lips still did not disappear.

This greeting is enough to make him feel better all night after the rain as early as sunny.

Qianfan Villa.

When Li Yinian hung up the phone, the annoyed emotion had not faded, but thinking of the two children, she quickly left all emotions behind her head.

She came to the two children's room and saw that they were next to the same small bed, holding hands and not knowing what to say.

"Achen, Qing'er, what are you talking about?" She walked over with a smile.

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