Kiss Goodnight, Mr.Ji

Chapter 961: Annoying kid

After thinking about it, she still feels that she has to convey everything she knows to the person who has the ability to seal up the banquet as soon as possible. If you can directly contact Jiang Yu, it would be best. She knew that if Jiang Yu sent someone to seal up the night banquet, Huacheng would probably not let Ji Shiting go, but if she did nothing, Ji Shiting might be more dangerous.

Xiao Ruilang looked at her quietly for a while, then sighed in a loss: "I'm sad."

Ye Shengge's heart sank, and she knew that Xiao Ruilang would not make her so easy.

"What are you upset about, do you really like what I just looked like an idiot?" Her tone was irritable.

"No, how can you say that, obviously it's cute." Xiao Ruilang gave her a disapproving glance, "I thought I could play it."

Now hope is shattered.

He is very sad.

Ye Shengge was speechless for a while.

"Xiao Ruilang, don't you still have no heart?" She couldn't help asking, "I know you think I'm funny, but after so long, fun toys will become boring. "

Xiao Ruilang looked at her for a while, and suddenly smiled: "Do you know what this means?"

Ye Shengge was wary: "What did you explain?"

"Explain that I am in love with you."

"..." Ye Shengge said after a while, "Xiao Ruilang, don't be kidding."

"Really." He sighed, "otherwise why do I always miss you, and I am particularly happy every time I see you. You haven't released any new works in recent years, I can only listen to it again and again Your old song. In the past few years, you have hosted TS. When do you see me grabbing you? I have been making you want to make you happy."

Ye Shengge sneered: "You obviously can't rob me?"

"You can't say that." He looked at her seriously.

"Xiao Ruilang, I don't care how you feel about me. I have to use a computer now, or you send me to Jiang Yu's mansion." She clenched her fists, "I beg you, OK? This matter It’s really important, it’s a lot of people’s lives!"

It is not known how many people were killed in that underground laboratory. Shi Ting... maybe the next one.

Thinking of this, she suddenly felt like a knife.

The man had exhausted his thoughts just to get her out of here, and also brought out the evidence and news. The demise of this research institution is sooner or later, but Ji Shiting may not be able to retreat.

"It doesn't matter how many people's lives are related to me." Xiao Ruilang smiled. "And you don't care about most people. You only care about Ji Shiting alone."

"Did Ting have an accident, would you be happy?" She glared at him.

"It may not be happy, but it will not be too sad." Xiao Ruilang smiled.

Ye Shengge clenched her fists for a while, and suddenly she smiled and said, "You know, why have you caused us so many troubles, haven't Shi Ting really hit you hard?"

"Because I'm very decent, I always just stepped on his bottom line." Xiao Ruilang licked his lips slightly proudly.

Ye Shengge was expressionless: "No, because in his opinion, you are like a childish child, like to use mischief to gain the attention of others, and by the way brush your sense of presence."

For annoying children, most people find it annoying, but they rarely hate it.

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