Kiss Goodnight, Mr.Ji

Chapter 963: Shake M's Properties

Ye Shengge looked at his helpless look and suddenly felt funny: "Really? Why did you suddenly change your mind?"

"Otherwise, let you dress like this at night and walk outside alone?" Xiao Ruilang looked at her up and down.

Ye Shengge blushed.

Before she was auctioned tonight, the underground auction office changed her to a particularly thin long skirt. Although it was not revealed, it was very transparent. When the two were close together, it was fine. When they were far away, she stood again. Under the light, it is really dangerous.

"Can you change your clothes here?" She glared at him. "And, put away your gaze now!"

Xiao Ruilang snorted, but stood up: "I'll take you to the cloakroom to see that there may be women's clothes here."

Ten minutes later, Ye Shengge put on his shirt and trousers, then walked out of the cloakroom, and said concisely: "Go."

Xiao Ruilang looked at her slowly, his eyes still quite pretentious.

Fortunately, Ye Shengge didn't pay attention. She asked, "Oh, if someone follows us, can your bodyguard find it?"

"Who follows you?"

"The people at the night banquet, I felt they were there when they were in the underground auction house, and they should be able to feel at ease when they see me being taken away by you, but it does not mean that they are gone." Ye Shengge said.

So she didn't insist on going with Qiao Yanze just now, but the people who followed her were suspicious.

"I'll take you for a ride first, and if you're sure no one is following, then take you to Jiang Yu." Xiao Ruilang glanced at her with an innocent expression, "but I don't know where Jiang Yu's mansion is."

For senior officials like Jiang Yu, the residential address must be a secret.

"I will call Qiao Yanze immediately and give me your mobile phone." Ye Shengge ordered.

Xiao Ruilang obediently handed over his cell phone, and Ye Shengge was already in the co-driver when he dialed the phone. Xiao Ruilang silently circled to the driver's seat on the other side and got on the car to start the car.

He remembers that the woman was soft and cute at first, but even a little counsel, but after three years as the CEO, she is now full of aura, and the tone of the command makes him unable to refuse at all.

Xiao Ruilang felt as if he was his classmate or assistant.

However, he did not reject this feeling. He has always suspected that he has the attribute of shaking M. Now it seems that his suspicion is probably right...

Ye Shengge and Qiao Yanze reported about her current situation. Qiao Yanze immediately reported to Jiang Zhai's address and said that she would leave immediately and meet her there. After hanging up the phone, Ye Shengge was relieved and reported the address to Xiao Ruilang.

"Don't you blame me? If it weren't for Ting's identity when my name was broken yesterday, he wouldn't be taken away." Xiao Ruilang suddenly sighed sadly.

"Even if you don't call it, he won't leave. He can't leave me there alone. Moreover, there is such an evil institution that is doing evil, and it is also related to him. He can't just sit there and ignore it."

Ye Shengge said, her voice was hoarse, and when she thought of Ji Shiting, she felt breathless. She dare not imagine what he might encounter now, so she can only force herself to focus on how to rescue him.

"It's not a pleasant experience to have a husband who is passionate about saving the world?" Xiao Ruilang said very seriously. "Don't you think I'm more intimate like this?"

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