Kiss Goodnight, Mr.Ji

Chapter 975: You are my wife, of course i love you

"I believe..." Ye Shengge said, holding him tight. "Since you have no memory loss, it will be easier to handle. I have reported all things to Jiang Yu. Originally because you are still inside, I let him You must be cautious. Now that you are back, he can always take someone to seal the banquet."

It doesn’t matter if you can’t find the exit. It’s a big deal to close the night banquet and find the ground three feet away. As long as you’re not afraid to startle the snake and find the research institution, it’s a matter of time.

The man groaned slightly and nodded: "Yes, Jiang Yu is trustworthy."

"Shi Ting, what did you experience inside?" Ye Shengge asked lowly.

She always felt that for no reason, he would not be like this.

"He tried to connect me, but failed again." The man said concisely.

"Then why would he let you leave?" Ye Shengge asked.

"Because he thought he had succeeded." The man said, his tone was already impatient, "Have you finished asking?"

Ye Shengge was so angry: "No. I don't understand. Why didn't you say these things at first? I thought..."

She had imagined countless terrible results in her mind.

Faced with his questioning, he just raised an eyebrow: "I'm back, why don't I repeat the meaningless content."

Ye Shengge was completely tempered by his attitude.

She sniffed her nose and hugged him by the neck. "Then... will nothing change in the future?"

"As long as Jiang Yu doesn't drop the chain." the man said, leaning over and sucking on her lips, and said hoarsely, "wash it."

Ye Shengge met his burning eyes and suddenly realized what he was thinking.

She blushed and bit her lip and said, "No! Wash it three more times!"

He pondered a little: "Then you come to wash until you are satisfied."

With that, he grabbed her hand and took it in a certain direction.

Ye Shengge was going to be mad, and he pulled his hand back: "I haven't finished asking yet... Ji Jiting, do you still love me?"

"You are my wife, of course I love you." The man nodded affirmatively.

"Then... if I were not your wife, would you not love me?" Ye Shengge asked.

He raised his eyebrows: "I don't plan to divorce you, so your assumption is not true. Or do you plan to divorce me?"

"Of course not!" Ye Sheng angered, is this the point?

But Ji Shiting obviously didn't get her anger, he raised his eyebrows, clearly writing "What are you so angry with?"

Ye Shengge knocked his head down on his chest in frustration.

The man embraced her naked white body, rolled her throat, and said in a mute voice: "Have you finished asking?"

"Then... Do you want to restore Ji Shiting's identity next?" Ye Shengge thought about it for a rare opportunity, but still have to ask clearly.

"If you don't want to continue, then I will go back to T.S." he said with a deep voice.

Ye Shengge is a little curious: "What if I want to continue?"

"Do you like your current job and plan to continue?" he asked seriously.

"It's not that I don't like it, but I still prefer acting." Ye Shengge said, "The company still gives it to you, I want to rest."

"Okay." The man smiled slightly, "I will respect your opinion."

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