Kiss Goodnight, Mr.Ji

Chapter 989: The same Ye Shengge

On the other side, Yangcheng.

The old man re-divided the shares in the hands of the Ji family. He and Ji Shiting still hold the big head. The shares of Ye Shengge and the two children are equal, but the sum is not a small number, and before the two children reach adulthood, Ye Shengge will be responsible for exercising their equity, which means that although she is no longer the head of the company, she can still participate in the board of directors as a major shareholder.

Ye Shengge also formally submitted his resignation with the board of directors, and Ji Shiting also returned to the company without controversy, and became the executive president of T.S Group after the board of directors' resolution.

The news was soon announced to the public by the media. Although Ji Shiting was missing for three years, his name has not been forgotten. Especially in the economic and financial fields, everyone feels like a king.

In order to give investors confidence, Ji Shiting promised to appear in the media.

At the press conference held by TS Group, Ji Shiting stood in front of the stage and issued a brief statement. He explained the reasons for his disappearance in the past three years and thanked his family for their support during this period. Thanks to his wife, and finally looking forward to the future of TS Group.

This statement was only three minutes, but the impact was like a landslide.

Without him, because this man is really too! Handsome! Now!

Such exclamation resounded in all corners of the Internet.

This man's handsome and deep facial features alone is enough to hang out the small fresh meat in the entertainment industry, not to mention the dignified temperament that he radiated between his hands and feet, and the sense of nonchalant sexuality.

He became the yy object of all girls almost immediately, and countless people became his brain fan.

T.S Group's stock price rose a lot on the same day.

However, apart from being a nympho, everyone still remembers that this man specially thanked his wife.

He has a wife... The news broke many people's hearts.

But isn't his wife Ye Shengge? Ji Shiting is not here. The person in charge of the T.S Group is her.

But... is that Ye Shengge? Ye Shengge retired from the entertainment world three years ago?

Time seems to be right! Moreover, the "Xue Ning Biography" that made Ye Shengge's fire is an investment of T.S Group, and netizens with more gossip still remember that there were rumors that Ji Shiting was the gold master of Ye Shengge.

If it is really the same person, it means that... Ye Shengge is more than just a gold lord, others are directly married to the giants, and she can control the TS group when Ji Shiting is inconvenient, it can be seen that she is not that kind The young grandmother who married in the past as a childbirth tool really got the trust and recognition of the Ji family, otherwise how could she have such a big say?

This is really...

Everyone analyzed here, and suddenly the analysis was no longer possible, leaving only envy, jealousy and hatred.

For a time, all kinds of speeches were clamoring. Some people said that Ye Shengge had seen Mr. Ji coming to the class while filming in the crew, but they didn't know that it was the famous Ji Shiting. But some people said eloquently that he had seen Mrs. Ji, not like Ye Shengge at all. Others said that Ye Shengge had gone abroad after retiring. How could she be the same person as the Ji wife?

The Internet has been arguing for several days, and the name Ye Shengge frequently appears on Hot Search.

But Ye Shengge didn't care about it at this time.

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