Kiss Goodnight, Mr.Ji

Chapter 992: Emotional stripping

Ji Shiting nodded: "So, are you okay?"

"No. In fact, this is not the focus of my trip." Jiang Yu said, "Mr. Ji, you should not know that two of the victims I rescued were connected after you. They Fortunately, the connection failed, so they did not suffer much and lived well."

Ji Shiting's eyes sank: "Isn't that good?"

"Not necessarily, their family members came over and cried with them, but they behaved indifferently." Jiang Yu looked at him and said one by one, "After the intervention of the psychologist, they believed that they all have different degrees of The symptom of emotional disengagement is simply that they have lost their ability to empathize, they have no way to love, and it is difficult to experience emotions, so they do not understand why their family cried and hugged them."

Ye Shengge heard this, and looked at Ji Shiting horrifiedly.

Emotional stripping?

Her face turned pale, and suddenly she understood everything.

Ji Shiting was still very calm, he paused and said: "It seems that after the instrument was moved, the data was wrong, so it caused such a result. But it is better than being successfully connected, isn't it? "

Once the connection is successful, the victim will either become a puppet or die because he can't stand the pain.

It just lost the ability to empathize. In comparison, this is already the best result.

"Yes." Jiang Yu nodded and glanced across Ye Shengge's face. He already got the result he wanted from Ye Shengge's expression.

"If nothing else, you can go." Ji Shiting said in a deep voice.

"No." Ye Shengge spoke like a dream, "Minister Jiang, I have something to ask you."

Ji Shiting looked at her, frowning slightly.

However, Ye Shengge insisted that she even asked Ji Shiting to return to the study room first. She had to talk to Jiang Yu alone.

Ji Shiting looked at her for a while, and finally nodded and agreed.

After Ji Shiting left, Ye Shengge turned his gaze to Jiang Yu with a dumb voice: "Minister Jiang, as you can see, Shi Ting is likely to be the same as the two victims..."

Jiang Yu seemed to sigh silently.

"Obviously, Mr. Ji realized very early that the intervention of public power might lead to worse results, so he made up his mind from the beginning to completely destroy the instrument and destroy the core data. I guess, he is likely to show In order to get close to those machines, Xu Wei thought that he could not escape his palm. Not only did he demonstrate those instruments for him, he even let him After looking at the core data, this gave him a chance."

"Yes." Ye Shengge closed her eyes. She remembered Xu Wei talking about the excitement and enthusiasm of these technologies. If he wants to share his achievements with others, Ji Shiting is of course the most suitable object, because in It seems to Xu Wei that he will soon forget all of this.

Also, that night he deliberately knocked himself out. He talked with Xu Wei alone, it should be to reduce Xu Wei's vigilance.

However, after he moved his hands and feet on the instrument, he had to bear all the risks after the instrument went wrong.

Because... Xu Wei will inevitably clear his memory and confirm his successful connection before letting him leave.

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