Kneel to Me

Chapter 127

[Evans fans don't lick the dog too much, the little sister-in-law shouts, do people know you? 】

[What did Wen Zhulian do wrong to be ridiculed like this? Didn't she know that Evans was her brother? It would be strange if I said that she was a real daughter, and I didn't want to go back with people, so why didn't I say it directly? If you want to hide it, are you waiting for this day? 】

[Feeling that Man Joo-young fell into a trap]

[Song Juyao is a real daughter, which means that he has no blood relationship with Evans, um... Are they really simple brothers and sisters? 】

[... Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhly ! 】

[Going to Survival Island Paradise tomorrow, right? Whether it is a human or a ghost, I think I will soon be able to see clearly]


Around the rhythm, the people who had been emotionally calmed down suddenly, as if they had finally reacted. Yes, what's so great, Evans is Evans, Song Juyao is Song Juyao, the most amazing thing about a person is having a very good relative? It sounds useless no matter what.

On the contrary, Wen Zhulian was different. She was the opposite of Song Juyao, and she herself was a "very good relative".

Wen Zhulian is satisfied, is Evans the elder brother? What an amazing thing.

Evans is a sister-in-law. He must be very angry when he sees this. Will he speak for Song Juyao? Although he said that, the more he helped Song Juyao, the more people had a bad impression of Song Juyao.

Evans has a lot of wife fans. Although he does not rely on these fans to eat, it is inevitable that he has fans who are self-indulgent. In such a large fan group, in fact, many people hate Song Juyao. After all, who would like a girl to have a boyfriend who is a sister-in-law? Especially since this younger sister was adopted and has no blood relationship with him.

It's just that it's hard to say before, after all, it's the idol's sister, and it might make the idol angry. Now that some people have a rhythm, they are more uncomfortable, and it is different. At this time, the more Evans spoke to Song Juyao, the more they hated Song Juyao, and even felt that Song Juyao was a vampire and attached to Evans.

[Take a look at the gifts that Evans has given to his sister over the years...I brought her to Survival Island Paradise this time, do you want to take the opportunity to debut? It's all so big, haven't you thought about relying on your own strength, it's not good to stick to your brother all the time? 】

Oh, someone has already said that.

"Zhuzhu, have you packed your things?" Li Xin knocked on the door and asked.

"Mom, I've already packed up, why haven't you slept yet? Go to bed now, we'll leave at six o'clock in the morning tomorrow."

"It's not that I'm a little excited, I can't sleep." The first time I was on the show, it was still live. Oh, no, I still have to wear those pearl earrings! So many people are watching.

Li Xin went back to pack her things again.

Wen's family of four has already packed up their things.

The other guests also packed up, and the next morning, when the genius was bright, they set off from their respective locations.

Wen Zhulian didn't wait for Evans to speak for Song Juyao, she was a little disappointed, but more than a little happy. She also doesn't like that the idol is a sister-in-law.

Survival Island Paradise is in the whale fall waters. Because whale falls often occur, this sea area is full of vitality.

The island is very large. The guests slept in their respective helicopters. When the sun became dazzling, they were about to arrive at their destination. They looked down from the window and saw the green island.

The sea is calm, sparkling in the sun, the sea near the beach is very clear, you can see the coral groups and sea guī below...

The host was waiting for them on the beach, waving vigorously at them, and the live broadcast started at this time.

Chapter 45

There are 8 families entering Survival Island Paradise, including movie queens, video stars, supermodels, famous painters, international movie stars, singers, etc. They are all celebrities at home and abroad, with all kinds of skin colors. Some families of four or five came, and there were at least two people, adding up to a total of 20 people, which could be called an island tour group.

Song Juyao and Evans got off the plane, glanced at the large group of people in front of them, raised their eyebrows lightly, and the smile on the corners of their mouths deepened.

Really...a lot of familiar faces.

"Hi! Evans!" The shaved international movie star Listan ran over with a big smile and hugged Evans, looking at Song Juyao: "This must be Evans' baby sister!"

"Hello, Listan, you can call me Ellie." Song Juyao shook hands with him.

Listan turned his head and called his son Addison over to say hello, but Addison faced the sea alone and ignored him.

At this time, the live broadcast of Survival Island Paradise has started, and netizens have poured into it. The barrages are all calling for their favorite stars.

Song Juyao saw that Wen Zhulian was also very busy hugging and greeting other guests. It seemed that she knew most of them, including Bingshan supermodel Dada and her father, the famous painter Zhang Siqing.

Song Juyao lowered his head, looked at a shell on his toes, and squatted down to grab it out of the sand.

After everyone came down, the helicopters took off and left.

"Just leave like this?"

After the helicopter flew away, the beach was quiet, and the host Liao Bo said: "Okay everyone, let's announce the rules. First of all, only things that do not exceed 5KG are allowed to enter the park, and communication equipment must also be installed."

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