The world of Exide.

Looking at the exploding Utopia,

Tan Zhengzong at this moment wondered what kind of divine expansion this was!!

This guy can't even bear the power of just 0.001 of the Demon King of Time!!

One second I thought that the Demon King was about to become history, but the next second he gave Tan Zhengzong a slap in the face!!

The slap in the face was too loud!!

Tan Zhengzong looked at the tall figure in the light curtain and sighed in a rare way:

"He is worthy of being the highest and most powerful king,"

"With such strength and such a plan,"

"A powerful king indeed!!"

Utopia, under the background of Zhuangwu, has turned into a pure clown.

You can't catch it, you can only blame yourself for not living up to expectations.

On the other side of the world, in the Holy Capital Affiliated Hospital, at this moment The doctors looked at Zhuango on the screen.

Even if he wasn't an enemy, he was still paralyzed!!

This guy only took the initiative to release 0.001 and blew up Utopia.

No, to be precise, it was two people.....

Looking at Zhuang Wu who seemed like nothing happened, the corners of everyone's mouths twitched at this moment.

It's really hard to imagine how much power

Zhuango's full blow contains!!

Such style, just thinking about it, makes everyone yearn for it.

The King of Demonic Time is worthy of being the one who gathers the power of all the knights!!

The world of double riding.

Utopia looked at the exploded self with a look of disbelief on his face at this moment.

The power of 0.001?

What a joke!!

His Utopia shouldn't be so weak, right? ?

To put it another way, it is actually Zhuangwu who is too strong.

In my heart, I don't want to accept my failed utopia, so I can only comfort myself silently at this moment.

As for the innocent people who were affected next to him,

Utopia also said at this moment that it had nothing to do with him,

Sagittarius came for it himself...

"Encounter the Demonic King of Time!!"

Looking at Zhuang Wu, who didn't have any terrifying energy leaking out,

Utopia's face became more and more solemn.

No matter how powerful the aura 27 is exuding, it's not scary. What's really scary is that Zhuang Wu perfectly suppresses all the power in his body. , almost condensed into substance, without any leakage.

Such a body is the perfect proof!!!

Looking at the indifferent Zhuangwu,

Utopia is becoming more and more desperate.

The ability he is most proud of is in Zhuangwu It became a complete joke in front of everyone!!

Whether it is controlling space or taking away other people's abilities, they can't shake Zhuangwu's body at all!!!

"really...The King of Demons is indeed the strongest knight!!"

Utopia, who was staring at the sky in a daze, just let out his last sigh!! It is indeed not shameful at all to lose to such an opponent!! Just because he is the Demon King of Time!! On the other side, Zuo Shotaro looked at the explosion The Utopia that came in was also completely shocked!! Good guy, I call you good guy!! You are playing here!! Such a big Utopia, just say it is gone and disappear!! And the most terrifying thing is that Sagittarius He was actually killed by the aftermath of the explosion of Utopia!! Looking at this soy sauce boss, Shotarou Zuo was silent for a long time, looking at the sky and couldn't help but being speechless. Creation of the Riding World. Kiryu Zhantu looked at the gray figure. There was no Utopia left, and he hesitated for a while. Looking at the light curtain in the sky, Zhan Rabbit slapped his head at this time. Since Zhuang Wu is so strong, it wouldn't be embarrassing to lose to him, right? How could it be embarrassing ? What? Everyone here is so powerful. They can't withstand Zhuang Wu's punch, but I don't know how many times I was hit by Zhuang Wu, and now I'm still alive and kicking!! Hmm... From this point of view, I am indeed very strong. Ah, you can actually last for so long under Zhuangwu!! Ryuuga on the side looked at Zhan Rabbit. First he looked shocked, then nodded frequently, and finally he looked triumphant, and he couldn't figure it out at all. I saw Ryuuga will He stretched out his hand to Zhan Rabbit's forehead and asked:

"Zhan Rabbit, isn't it because your brain is not normal after being beaten by Zhuang Wu? ?"

Zhan Rabbit, who was originally complacent, turned dark when he heard this, and said to Long Ga:

"It's good to know this kind of thing, there's no need to talk about it everywhere... Please, Brother Long!!"

Looking at the changing face of Zhan Rabbit,

Long Ga seemed to have discovered something, and raised the corner of his mouth.

"Call me brother again and listen...."

While everyone was still amazed by Zhuang Wu's strength, the figure in the picture finally appeared!!

I saw that figure surrounded by dark energy, and everything around him was swallowed up by the blackness he radiated!!

This is the ultimate darkness.

Everything touched by this darkness will be assimilated into darkness!!

Seeing the existence that looked like a black hole in the human body, everyone in front of the screen was also shocked!!! Who is this guy who is ruthlessly devouring everything around him!!

Then several lines of subtitles appeared on the screen, which read:

【The one who brings the ultimate darkness】

【The King and Strongest of Gurungi】

【En. Daguaba. Jaba] Everyone couldn’t help but frown as they turned on the subtitles that kept appearing on the screen!!

Because the previous guys only gave one line of introduction at most, but now this guy actually has two names that look very powerful!!

Looking at Daguaba who swallowed up all the light around him, he couldn't help but sigh, he is indeed an extremely dark guy!!

No matter how dazzling the light is, it can only stop in front of him and try to take a step behind him!!

And the murderous aura that is constantly exuding also shows that this guy, as a king, still has a mountain of bones under his throne!!!

The murderous aura that was so thick that it was almost real, even the people outside the screen seemed to be immersed in it at this moment, and even the hairs on their hair stood on end!!

Empty my world.

Looking at that demonic figure that looked like it came out of hell,

Godai Yusuke also opened his eyes wide!!

This guy really caused him too much pain!!

Looking at that murderous aura,

Kuuga's memory also returned to that scene in the snowy mountains....

Recalling that painful experience,

Kuuga frowned at this moment.

"It's him..."

Kaoru Ichijo looked at the figure in the light curtain, (to read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!) and couldn't help but sigh. He also remembered the memories in the snowy mountains deeply. Zero One World. Feidian or Ren looked at the almost substantial murderous intent, and the cold sweat was flowing down at this moment!! How many people did this guy kill? ? Even the breath outside the screen made people feel so uncomfortable. Facing that guy, Kuuga no longer knew what kind of pressure he was under!!

"The ultimate darkness?..."

"Such murderous intent is like crawling out of hell!!"

Under the clear sky with the bright sun shining high, [] at this moment, I just felt cold sweat, as if I was in Shura Hell!!

Bupojian also wiped his sweat, looked at the person next to him, and also Speaking of:

"This guy must be the devil of hell!!"

The dark energy wrapped around the body really makes people feel dizzy!!

"like feeling..."

"Dressed in summer, I am in the snowy mountains in the light curtain..."

"I feel the cold air coming straight up..."

Renweia looked at the guy who had cut off all light and sighed.

The world of double riding.

Utopia looked at the guy exuding endless murderous aura.

The cold murderous aura pierced his body like a knife!!

"This is the devil from hell!!"

Utopia looked at the terrifying figure. He who never knew fear could not help but feel terrified at this moment!

After all, no matter how strong the Demon King is, he is still different from the person in front of him!!

He has experienced countless times. The bloody battle killed countless lives, and the breath bubbled out from the sea of ​​​​blood in the mountain of corpses!! The bloody breath was simply rushing towards his face, making Utopia feel uncomfortable!! He quickly used the ability to control space, and combined himself and The screen is isolated!! Only in this way can he breathe fresh natural air, instead of feeling like he is in Shura Hell, with thick blood everywhere!! Looking at that terrifying figure, Utopia's heart is rekindled Hope arose!! Maybe, this guy has the possibility of defeating the Demon King!! In the world of Exide. Tan Li Dou looked at the bloody and terrifying dark figure everywhere. At this moment, he also regained his interest. Although the several guys who appeared before were all very powerful, none of them could bring a huge sense of oppression to Tanli Dou like this guy!! The guy who slaughtered countless lives, the unwillingness and resentment of those creatures , are all worn around them!! These souls who cannot rest in peace after death have turned out to be like ghosts. Now they have helped Daguaba form a murderous aura, and the opponents in it will be affected by this murderous aura all the time. The infection of resentment!! No matter how powerful the opponent is, because of this interference, it is difficult to exert all the strength of the body!!

"Did this guy really crawl out of hell?..."

It is indeed difficult to imagine how many lives must be sacrificed to make Daguabo emit such a breath!!

Looking at the guy who was shocking just by standing there,

Tan Lidou also laughed:

"did not expect...There is actually such a guy..."

"Things are developing in an interesting direction...."

On the other side,

Tan Zhengzong was also shocked by the figure in the picture that looked like a peerless fierce god.

After all, even he had never seen such terrifying murderous intent!!

The temperature around me also dropped sharply, as if I were in an ice cellar!!

"Well, this guy does look unusual...."

"If it were him, maybe the battle would be different."

Tan Zhengzong, who was feeling desperate for the strength of the Demonic King, looked at the scene in the light screen, and his hope was rekindled!!

The scene returned to Daguba, and the scene at this moment was a wilderness.

I saw Daguaba stood on the open ground and raised his hands into the air!!

Endless power suddenly surged from his hands, and black and red thunder fell from the sky.

The originally cloudless sky was now covered with 080 dark clouds, and it looked gloomy. Water is about to drip!!

And as the energy continues to overflow, the earth begins to crack and storms begin to gather!!

The flames falling from the sky also completely burn the wilderness, and it is already a scene of doomsday!!!

This appearance looks like Are you summoning hell to the present world?!

And although Utopia also has such an ability, it is with the help of the power of his cane!!

And Daguaba just made a move with his bare hands, while involving endless power of destruction, the two faced each other. Compare and judge!!

As the scene slowly progressed, the black hole from before began to appear around Daguaba.

No, it should be said that his body was surrounded by the ultimate darkness, and the ruthless surroundings around him Devouring everything around him, because of the endless emptiness, everything around him does not exist, so even the light cannot shine into his body!!

Is this also the origin of his current posture??

Zein world.

Looking at the world

Principal Tachibana's body couldn't help but feel sore in the movements of that guy with supreme power.

Such a guy is indeed the master of the apocalypse!!

Sakurai Yuto also looked at Daguaba who controlled endless energy. Looking at the deserted wilderness, a sense of powerlessness gradually arose in my heart.

It is no exaggeration to say that such a power can destroy the world!!

Coupled with the fierce murderous aura,

Sakurai Yuto was already in a continuous state at this moment. He couldn't speak.

The strong bloody smell, which was as strong as substance, seemed to make his throat hurt like a knife.

Even the slightest sound was painful!!

Create the world of riding.

The knights looked at the demon-like The figure was also stunned.

This destructive power has actually been projected across the screen, and it has affected their world!!

War Rabbit will also say with murderous intent at this moment:

"What a feeling...He will come out of the screen,"

"It will destroy our world too!!"

And everyone around him just nodded silently at this moment, unable to make a sound.

The screen turned to Kuuga.

At this time, he was staring at Kaoru Ichijo in front of him.

At this time, Kuuga also knew how terrifying Daguaba was. , knowing that it was difficult to do so, he looked at the wind and snow in the sky, the whistling sound passed through Kuuga's side, the endless cold wind seemed to urge Kuuga to rush to this decisive battle!!

And after a long pause,

Kuuga also made a gesture to Kaoru Ichijo that only the two of them knew, and rushed to the battlefield with calmness!!

Looking at Kaoru Ichijo silently,

Kuuga also laughed:

"So, please take a look..."

"My final transformation!!".

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