"this person……"

Sakurai Keikazu's purpose is to realize a truly peaceful world, so that the people he loves most can always live safely and happily here.

The Kamen Rider in front of him also surprised him.

He could feel that the guy in front of him had a strong belief and didn't seem to be a bad person.

As an opponent, Sakurai Keikazu does not intend to give in.

The numbness in his hands began to lessen. He looked at the Kamen Rider in front of him and clenched the two swords in his hands.

The green light on his body flashed, and in an instant he was in front of Kamen Rider Night Rider, slashing his face with the weapon in his hand.

"Advent! (Contract is coming!)"

When Sakurai Keiwa came to Yaki, he heard the sound of card reading.

Just now, when Kamen Rider Yaki was talking, he had secretly put the money on his waist The contract came and was placed in his summoning machine.

After all, Ye Qi is also a warrior who has experienced countless battles, and his little moves are very subtle.

When Sakurai Kagewa was about to hit Ye Qi, the window next to him , a situation like a wave of water suddenly appeared.

A huge black bat instantly flew out from inside.

The bat's wings were like sharp knives, cutting directly towards Sakurai Keikazu's body.

In response, Sakurai Keikazu His eyes suddenly narrowed.

The blades in his hands quickly turned into scimitars, and at the same time, the ninja belt buckle at his waist began to rotate rapidly.

At this moment, his body turned into smoke and disappeared.

"Another ninjutsu, really annoying!"

Ye Qi was a little unhappy.

Even if he was hit by the Dark Winged Bat in the face, he could avoid it directly.

The figure of Sakurai Keikazu appeared on the side, and another burst of smoke began to fill under him.

Four identical figures appeared from inside Got it

"Is it a clone technique this time?"

Kamen Rider Night Rider saw this situation and took out a card from his card box.

"TrickVent! (Illusion reading!)"

As this mechanical voice appeared,

Kamen Rider Night Rider's body also began to disperse, turning into four identical versions of himself.

"I can do it too!"

Kamen Rider Night Rider's tone was cold.

Night Rider and his clones found their opponents with weapons in hand.


The two sides continued to fight, and the fight was inextricable.

But as time went by, Kamen Rider Night Rider with the help of the contract beast began to gain the upper hand.

Kurama Miyin looked a little anxious.

She also transformed directly, planning to see if she could help Sakurai Keikazu.

But just after Kurama Miyin completed his transformation, a harsh sound began to come from the surrounding glass.

"This is……"

Hearing this voice, Kamen Rider Night Rider was startled.

But before he noticed it, he saw a purple cobra quickly appear from the mirror.

It saw Kurama Miyin who was dazed at the side. Its snake eyes could only be filled with ferocity. With a flick of its golden tail, Kurama Miyin was immediately knocked away.


Kurama Miyin hit the surrounding walls, and the huge impact caused her to instantly cancel her transformation.

Kurama Miyin fell to the ground, her face in pain.

"Hey, Asakura, come out here!"

Kamen Rider Night Rider kicked Sakurai Kage and his clone away with an angry tone.

"Why are you in such a hurry? I just saw your movements slowing down when I was passing by, and I planned to help you!"

Sure enough, after Ye Qi's voice disappeared, a man with blond hair and a snakeskin jacket walked out casually.

He looked at Kamen Rider Ye Qi not far away with disdain in his eyes, At the same time, it also revealed ruthlessness.

When he saw Sakurai Keikazu on the side also stopped attacking and looked at him, his eyes became a little fanatical.

He really likes fighting.

As long as he can defeat these people Just kill him and make him less irritable, that's it.

Sakurai Keikazu looked at the person who appeared now, with a gloomy expression under his mask.

He could feel that this person was a real villain.

A real bad guy.!

"This time our target is not that little girl!

You can't hurt that person!"

The appearance of Asakura Wei made Ye Qi angry.

"You violated the rules by attacking that girl!"


Asakura Wei sneered and stretched his waist.

"Who cares about that kind of thing? As for the wishes you mentioned, I don’t care.

Anyway, as long as I can continue to enjoy the fun of fighting~!"

Asakura Wei doesn't care about this, as long as he can fight, kill, and vent his anger.

As for this wish...

He doesn't know if the goddess in this world has ever eaten dirt!

"Unexpectedly, the king snake also came. It was really an interesting competition!"

Shen Wuyue was watching the game.

But seeing Asakura's powerful Viper King attacking Kurama Miyin, her tone became colder.

But she also had some doubts in her heart. Uncle Snake in front of her didn't know if there was a Beast King!

"Yes, if a madman participates, the competition will probably become more cruel!"

Beloba frowned.

She didn't like this kind of madman very much.

Because madmen are prone to problems, especially this kind of manic madman, who is more likely to cause trouble.

"But soon, we should be able to see his misfortune!"

Belloba noticed that Shen Wuyue was in a bad mood and knew that it was probably because of Kurama Miyin.

After all, she also noticed that this little girl seemed to like her man very much.


Shen Wuyue didn't say much. the other side……

"What's going on with this guy!"

At this time, in the backstage of DGP, Neelam had already stood up.

He looked at Uncle Snake in the live broadcast, his eyes were fixed on him, and his tone was extremely angry.

This guy has that monster, and he is obviously the Kamen Rider..

But he directly attacked the contestants on his side, and also said such words of contempt for the competition.

What's more, Kurama Yaon is not someone else.

This is the sponsor's woman.

Even if it is just a wish, it is still daughter

"That guy Klass can't be reached.……"

Kiroli's eyes also became solemn, and he tried to find Claes but couldn't find him.

He could feel that this guy was a psychopath.

If a lunatic is allowed to compete, is he sick?

"Let me take care of it!"

Kiroli's eyes were filled with coldness.

"Anyone who casually breaks the rules of the competition, even if these people are contestants from another world, still need to be punished!"

This competition is already chaotic enough. They hope that there are not enough contestants in the Grand Prix.

As a result, a guy will come here to cause trouble.

He will go directly to deal with this man in snakeskin clothes now.


Neelam's eyes flashed, and his tone became a little cold.

"Since the competition is on our side, we must abide by our competition rules."

"I'm leaving……"

Kiroli picked up his Vision drive and prepared to leave

"Lord Neelam, please pay attention to this.……"

At this moment, Samas's voice suddenly appeared.

She looked at Neelam, her eyes seemed very surprised, even a little stunned.

"What's happening... Kiroli, wait a minute!"

Nilam followed Samas's reminder and looked at the live broadcast of the game.

Only then did he notice that there was a very cute little girl appearing in the corner of the live broadcast.

This girl is really well-behaved, only about seven years old. She looks eight years old.

She is wearing a very cute little skirt, with twin ponytails, and a little yellow hat with little flowers on her head.

As the little girl jumps around, the twin ponytails on the back of her head are constantly swaying. throw away

"Mr. Neelam, is there anything else?"

Kiroli didn't understand why Neelam suddenly called him.

But seeing Neelam staring at the live broadcast of the game, he also looked over

"this is……"

Kiroli was also in the live broadcast and saw the jumping little girl.

The moment he saw the little girl, Kiroli's eyes suddenly widened.

Because he knew the child.

As a gamemaster, he has the memories of gamemasters from past generations.

Among the game administrators, one had seen this little girl.

This little girl was none other than the daughter of their DGP sponsor, who had died a year ago. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Kurama Akari

"What that tramp said was true, Kurama Akari was really resurrected!"

Kiroli was surprised, but more than anything, he was at a loss in his heart.

Things have become difficult to handle this time.

Because Kurama Akari is resurrected, Kurama Guangsheng, as the sponsor, will definitely be very excited.

If They are now facing Kurama AkiraIf there is a problem with the sponsor, it will be very troublesome.

"I don't doubt that Shen Wuyue is a demon, but I doubt that the homeless man said that he resurrected Kurama Akari.

So in my mind, I think it was him who turned other children into demons, and the homeless man was wrong.

But the current situation tells me that this matter is really not as simple as I thought!"

I don't know why, but Kiroli listened to Neelam's words and found that his face looked much better now.

"Now that Kurama Akari has been resurrected and is still in the form of a demon, we need to deal with it.

But it can be with our hands.

Kiroli, do you know what I mean?"

There was a sneer on the corner of Nilam's mouth at this time.

"you mean……"[]

Kiroli was not a fool, so he naturally understood the meaning of Neelam's words.

They are the organizers and need to care about the attitude of their sponsors.

That is the sponsor's daughter. Even if she is a demon, she will never take action without the sponsor's approval.

They are not the only people at the scene now.


Klass's Kamen Riders from another world.

Neelam was unhappy with these masked knights.

Especially the appearance of Wei Asakura made him very angry.

At this time, Kurama Akari suddenly appeared, but was killed by Asakura Wei, so he stepped forward to deal with Asakura Wei.

Not only did he clear up the relationship, but he also became a good person.

If it is not solved, the devil's side will be exposed faster, and something big and interesting may happen in the end.

Neelam just wanted to watch Klas and the devil side, dog eat dog.

When both sides suffer, he will be able to harvest better.

"In fact, you have a more important thing to do now, which is to find Shen Wuyue!"

When Neelam talked about this matter, he finally had a serious expression on his face.

"Now that Kurama Miyin has been resurrected, the existence of Shen Wuyue is very special.

Maybe it can be related to the Demon King.

And now that Kurama Miyin appears in the competition, it is obvious that Shen Wuyue must be secretly watching all this somewhere."

When Neelam talked about the Demon King, his expression became extremely solemn, even unwilling.

Last time he was beaten like a dead dog. If there is a chance, he must take revenge.

"I see."

Kiroli nodded.

On the battlefield.

The jumping little girl appeared very suddenly.

No one knew what was going on, but she appeared in this place.

And the little girl didn't seem to see it. Several people walked directly to Kurama Miyin

"Little sister, what are you doing here?"

Kurama Mione looked at this cute little girl, and she didn't know why she always felt a little strange.

It was as if she was very familiar with this little girl.

But the strange thing was that no matter what she thought, she never recalled this little girl in her memory. Girl.

It seems like there is a feeling between the two of them, but they can't express it.

"It's dangerous here, get out of here quickly!"

Kurama Mione stood up and asked Kurama Akari to leave here quickly.

It is really dangerous for this child to appear here.

Of course, everyone has noticed this cute little girl now.

Kamen Rider Night Rider and Sakurai Keiwa and both of them were quite surprised.

Asakura Wei always had a devilish smile on his face.

"this child……"

Ye Qi looked at Kurama Akari here, and secretly cursed in his heart who knew some arrogant parent who had lost his child.

He wanted to take the child away, but was stopped by the hissing sound of the Viper King.

The snake king's snake eyes were filled with excitement.

It wanted to eat the little kid.

This child is its prey!

"Guilty, sister, who beat you like this!"

Kurama Akari looked at Kurama Miyin in front of her with a hurt face, and concern in her childish voice.

"younger sister?"

Kurama Miyin was stunned for a moment. She looked at Kurama Akari in front of her with a strange look in her eyes. She also complained in her heart, I wonder whose stupid child this is?

She is an adult, but this little girl still calls her sister.

Kurama Yaon looked at this girl and felt that she was about seven or eight years old, so she should know the differences between sisters.


However, the little girl seems to have seen through Kurama Yaon's thoughts

"Miyin (Zhao Nuohao) is Mingli’s younger sister!"

The little girl shook her head and looked at Kurama Miyin, with an expression on her face that said,"I am the older sister."

"How do you know my name?"

Kurama Yaon was a little surprised when he heard his name being called out.

Could this girl be his fan?

"Because my name was given by my father.

My father is also Miyin’s father, Kurama Kosei!"

The little girl looked at Kurama Mione with a serious tone.

But Kurama Mione was stunned.

What the hell?

Her father has a daughter?

She is also called Kurama Akari?


I don't know why, Kurama Mione kept repeating it. After hearing Kurama Akari's name, his head became painful.

At this time, at the backstage of the Desire Grand Prix, Kurama Guangsheng watched this scene, his eyes were red.

Kurama Miyin, Kurama Akari... his daughter.……

"Nei, Miyin, who beat you like this? Sister, I will avenge you!"

Kurama Akari asked again when Kurama Mione felt uncomfortable.

However, Kurama Mione did not answer.

Because at this time, some strange pictures seemed to start flashing in her head.

This seemed to be the same as when she was killed eleven years ago. Related to kidnapping

"Are you the ones who hurt my sister?"

Kurama Akari didn't get an answer. Now she is like a child when she gets angry and starts to take her anger out on others.

The expression on her young face is very fierce.

"He is really an interesting kid. He actually stood up at this time. How brave he is!"

Asakura Wei looked at Kurama Akari's current appearance and sneered.

When he finished speaking these words, the poisonous snake king next to him suddenly sprang out, opened his big mouth and bit Kurama Akari.

The smelly The smell made Kurama Miyin almost vomit.

She couldn't care less about her strange memories now and wanted to save Kurama Akari.

But... before she even took a step forward, she was already stunned. Standing there blankly, looking at where Kurama Akari was, his eyes were extremely horrified...

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