Now after hearing the teacher's explanation,

Xia Yang began to have an understanding.

After all, this world is the world of the global awakening of Kamen Rider.

What everyone is defending is the monsters outside the border.

Of course, according to the teacher's explanation.

In addition to the monsters on the border, there are also wars between countries.

Some countries always want to become the world hegemon.

So they constantly plot against other countries to make the other party surrender. If they don't surrender to this country, they will find a way to deal with him or even fight.

Recently, a small country was attacked by a country.

The people were panicked and hid everywhere, and even the border was almost lost. Fortunately, there was humanitarian help and support in time, and they almost survived.

Therefore, many countries have accused the attacker.

In the end, because of the pressure of public opinion accused by various countries, they stopped.

But this small country also suffered heavy casualties.

So now every country must not only guard the border, but also guard against the ill-intentioned plots of certain countries, so as not to end up like the Warring States that was beaten.

Xia Yang looked at the teacher who had just finished teaching.

He asked curiously,"Teacher, may I ask, what is the highest combat power of the Kamen Rider of the National Defense?"

He had just come out not long ago, so he must know about these things. If he can know, he will know.

Moreover, he also needs to have a bottom line, and wants to know who is the most powerful.

What is the awakening of the Kamen Rider, and how high is the combat power?

As soon as this was said, the students in the class became curious.

After all, everyone also wants to know who is the most powerful Kamen Rider in the country, and how high is the combat power?

Some people know, but some people don't.

Just like Xia Yang, he doesn't know who is the strongest in the country.

Wang Pao and his two younger brothers in the distance, when they heard Xia Yang ask such a question, Wang Pao couldn't help but sneered:"How ignorant, you don't even know such a thing, and you are qualified to be a Kamen Rider?"

Zhang San whispered:"Boss, he is the brother of Xia Xiaohua, we can't use this expression to him, otherwise it will be troublesome if we can't catch up with Xia Xiaohua in the future."

Li Si also echoed in a low voice:"Boss, Lao San is right, this Xia Yang is the twin brother of Xia Xiaohua, if we provoke him, then you won't be able to catch up with Xia Xiaohua in the future."

Wang Pao, who was still sneering , suddenly felt that it made sense after hearing the words of the two younger brothers.

All the classmates in the class knew that he was chasing Xia Qingqing, but who knew that Xia Yang was actually Xia Qingqing's twin brother! If he knew before, he would definitely not be so arrogant, and he might even call Xia Yang brother-in-law.

But now their relationship has become strained.

It may not be so easy in the future.

He was about to make some sarcastic remarks, but after being reminded by Zhang San and Li Si, he stopped talking. However, he still did not put away his eyes that looked like he was joking.

After all, Xia Yang had embarrassed him to the extreme just now.

How could he still give Xia Yang a good look when he was so embarrassed?

So even though he knew that Xia Yang was Xia Qingqing's brother, he still didn't care.

"The teacher doesn't know how strong the Kamen Rider of the National Defense Department is."

The teacher looked at Xia Yang and the others and smiled and said,"Because this is a state secret, if the monsters know about it, they might have some bad intentions and harm the Ministry of National Defense, so this matter will not be made public."

"However, the teacher can tell you clearly that the top 20 strongest Kamen Riders in the National Defense Department all have a combat power of more than 1,000 points."

"The top 20 all have over 1,000 points!"

After hearing this, the students in the class took a deep breath.

Mortar knew that some people's Kamen Riders had awakened to the final form, and their combat effectiveness would be greatly improved.

But that's over 1,000 points!

One punch can deal 100 tons of damage!

In other words, a full-strength punch can severely injure the most powerful Wang Pao in their class.

This kind of strength is really unimaginable!

"Teacher, which Kamen Rider is the most powerful?"

At this time, someone asked curiously.

"Which Kamen Rider is the most powerful?"

The teacher also looked at the student in confusion.

Then he shook his head and said:"There are many Kamen Riders, and each knight has different abilities, and the abilities gained by the transformed form are also different." He shook his head and said:"However, if you have to say the most powerful Kamen Rider, it should be the Kamen Rider with the ability to upgrade time."

"The most powerful knight is the one who has been upgraded to the time?"

""Teacher, I think I know which knight is the most powerful."

A classmate answered excitedly.

The teacher was curious:"Oh, you know which one is the most powerful?"

"Well, I know which Kamen Rider is the most powerful."

The classmate nodded excitedly.

This made the other students in the class look at him curiously.

After hearing this, the others also looked at him in confusion.

Although they have long known that the combat power of the top 20 Kamen Riders in the Ministry of National Defense is more than 1,000 points, no one really has a clear answer as to who the most powerful Kamen Rider is.

Now that they heard this classmate say that he knew which Kamen Rider was the most powerful, everyone couldn't help but become curious.

The classmate said excitedly:"I heard that four years ago, a very powerful new knight appeared in Linhai City. He was omnipotent. Even the Sky Knight's light speed flight could not avoid this knight's tracking knight kick."

As soon as these words came out, the other students also remembered them one after another.

Then they were all shocked!

:"I remember now! The one you are talking about is the legendary Demon Knight! I heard that his Knight Kick chased the Sky Knight to every corner of the world. He flew for more than an hour, but in the end, the Sky Knight ran out of energy and was caught up by the Demon Knight and kicked to pieces!"

:"I also heard that this demon knight can also use the beetle series knight system time-up function to speed up"

:"I heard that he can also turn other knights into his weapons. The sword rider turned into his sword, and the dragon rider turned into his war dragon. It was very powerful. At that time, more than 200 Kamen Riders were killed by him."

:"Not only that, I heard that every time he defeats a Kamen Rider, he can get a card. It is said that he is a knight who specializes in swiping cards."

:"Who is this knight? This is the first time I've heard of him."

:"Yes, who is this knight?"

:"I don't know who he is, but I heard that four years ago, the man who transformed into the legendary Devil Knight was only about thirteen or fourteen years old at the time. Some people rumored that his combat power was 600, while others rumored that it was 700. And because he seemed to be underage, he killed more than 200 Kamen Riders and was finally imprisoned in the Knight Prison."

"13-year-old with 700 combat power points!!!"

Everyone took a breath in shock after hearing this!

They couldn't believe it!

At the age of 13, his combat power was already 700 points!

What about four years later?

Wouldn't the combat power be exaggerated to the point of almost breaking a thousand points or already breaking a thousand points?

You know, although the combat power of the Ministry of National Defense is very high, some people are already very old and have awakened to the final form, so their combat power will be even higher, and that boy is only thirteen or fourteen years old! Thirteen or fourteen years old, with a combat power of 700 points, how can this not be exaggerated?

It's simply a sin!


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