Even though Skull has improved his combat power, he is still not good enough to deal with Lu Li calmly.

The aftermath of the battle between the two people caused a lot of cracks on the ground of the rooftop.

If the battle continues at this trend, the rooftop may be demolished.

At this time, Zuo Xiangtaro finally came to the vicinity of Gaia Tower and immediately began to rescue.

When Sonosaki Raito was in Gaia Tower, his spirit seemed to have become much weaker.

It seemed that he was affected by some kind of power, but fortunately, he had reason.

He immediately taught Zuo Xiangtaro how to save himself.

In a few seconds, Zuo Xiangtaro finally found the switch and rescued Sonosaki Raito.

He lifted Sonosaki Raito up and turned his head to look at the fierce battle, and Zuo Xiangtaro shouted loudly.

"Uncle! I rescued him!"

When Skull heard the news, he happened to be distracted, which made Lu Li very dissatisfied.

He was distracted when fighting with himself, which was obviously not giving face.

It seems... I still have to make the other party suffer a little.

Lu Li immediately took out an awakening card and swiped it across the awakening device on his waist.

"Drop (whale)!"

The phantom on the awakening card emerged and reflected on Lu Li's chest.

The falling whale of the 5 of diamonds can instantly increase the strength of the foot.

Lu Li stepped on the ground fiercely, and cracks appeared on the ground on the spot.

Under this reaction force, Lu Li rushed towards Skull like a cannonball.

With a strong force, he twisted in the air and kicked Skull's skull fiercely.

And Skull had already reacted, so he had no time to make a perfect response, and could only hastily block his head with both hands.

With a "bang!", the black knight was kicked out instantly.


The huge force was not something Skull could bear, and his back hit the stone pillar beside him.

The stone pillar that several people hugged together could not completely block the impact. A deep crack appeared under the stone pillar, extending to the middle.

If the force was a little stronger, I am afraid that the stone pillar would break.

Skull was no longer as elegant as before.

The white gentleman's hat on his head was blown away this time and rolled to the side.


Seeing this scene, Zuo Xiangtaro shouted anxiously.

He also realized that it was because he distracted the uncle just now that this situation occurred.

Skull barely stabilized his body.

Suddenly, he felt a sweetness in his throat and couldn't help coughing twice.

"Cough cough!"

Although he couldn't see it, Lu Li knew very well that the kick just now was not so easy to receive.

What's more, Skull was in a panic, and it was normal for him to cough blood now.

"Shoutaro! Hurry up... leave here! Bring him back safely!"

At this time, Skull obviously knew that he couldn't leave.

Since he couldn't leave, he would create the greatest chance of survival for the two children.

PS: Thank you for the monthly ticket from Langahlangah~Lang!

The second chapter is here! .

Chapter 39 Do you... have the courage to coexist with the devil? (Additional update!)


Za Shotaro was naturally not stupid, and he had heard the determination in Skull's words.

The forbidden doping body also heard Skull's words clearly, and of course it was impossible for Za Shotaro to take Sonozaki Raito away.

"You wish! Leave him here!"

The next second, the forbidden doping body condensed a bewitching and strange energy ball in its hand and threw it at Za Shotaro.

Feeling the danger approaching, Za Shotaro immediately pushed Sonozaki Raito away and hid on the other side.


The strange and bewitching energy ball exploded, and the aftermath of the explosion shook Za Shotaro to the side.

The suitcase in his hand also fell.

At this time, Sonozaki Raito grabbed the suitcase and quickly opened it.

He took out the dual driver and all the pure memories from it, and quickly came to Shotaro Sae.

"Do you... have the courage to coexist with the devil?"

He handed the dual driver to Shotaro Sae and let him make his own decision.

Now at this time, Shotaro Sae also knew that he seemed to have no choice at all.

Looking at the people coming from Sonozaki in front of him, Shotaro Sae took the dual driver and took the Joker memory from his waist at the same time.


The taboo doping body obviously noticed the abnormality, and instantly condensed four strange energy balls.

"Swish swish swish!!"

All the energy balls went straight to the two people.



When the two memories were inserted into the dual driver, a powerful force instantly wrapped the two people.

The emerald wind howled, and the strong wind pressure instantly bounced the strange energy ball away.

When the wind dissipated, the half-green, half-black warrior appeared in the vision of the taboo doping body.

Two-in-one warrior, Kamen Rider W! Appearance!


The taboo doping body never thought that there would be such a driver.

Can it combine the power of the person who comes to transform? !

The long scarf fluttered in the wind, and the red compound eyes looked around in confusion.

"What on earth is this...? What happened to me?"

Shotaro Sae looked at his hands in disbelief.

Suddenly, a voice sounded in his mind.

"It seems that you don't know what to do yet. It's okay. I'll teach you."

Isn't this the voice of Sonosaki Raito?

"You are...?!"

When he turned his head to look at Sonosaki Raito, he found that the other party was already lying on the ground and seemed to have lost consciousness.

"Now is not the time to discuss these things. The enemy's attack is coming!"

Sonosaki Raito's voice sounded, leaving Shotaro Sae no time to distract him.

With his right hand, he controlled the wind to bounce off the attacking energy balls. W wanted to rush over to help Skull at the first time.

But how could the forbidden doping body give him such an opportunity.

Throwing out energy balls continuously.

"Boom boom boom!!"

Even if some energy balls can be bounced off, there are always some places that cannot be taken care of.

The attack method of the forbidden doping body is very simple, which is to throw energy balls, but the terrifying thing is that it can throw them continuously.

It was a completely high-firepower attack, and compared to ordinary dopants, it was much stronger.

Taboo memory, which can be called a golden high-level memory, how could the transformed forbidden dopants be weak?

"Damn it! It seems that we must get rid of this guy first!"

W also realized the problem. If there is no way, there is no way to help the uncle by solving the forbidden dopants first.

He can only focus on solving the forbidden dopants first.

But just after completing the transformation of W for the first time, all aspects have not been fully adapted to the forbidden dopants, and he can't take any advantage at all.

On the contrary, facing the heavy firepower bombardment of the dopants, he can only passively take the beating.

Here, Skull finally stood up.

It is true that the body has entered a state of suspended animation, but after all, it is only a state of suspended animation, not a real state of death.

When the force endured exceeds the tolerance range of Skull, the body will still be hurt.

However, Skull at this time has a strong fighting will and belief, and his body is recovering rapidly.

"As expected of Skull, he can still stand up even after such severe injuries."

A strange color flashed in Lu Li's scarlet eye armor.

"But... I'm afraid this battle will end here, and your strength can only reach this level."

Shaking his head slightly, Lu Li no longer had much interest in continuing to fight Skull.

Skull's strength has been improved because of his belief.

But now it has reached the upper limit and there is no way to continue to improve.

This is because the memory itself has certain technical limitations. In order to break through this limitation, it is necessary to develop a more powerful memory.

Lu Li took out three awakening cards and quickly swiped through the awakening device components.

"Drop (whale)!"

"Fire (firefly)!"

"Gemini (zebra)!"

The phantoms of the three awakening cards appeared out of thin air behind Lu Li.

Then, the three phantoms merged into his legs and head respectively.

Classic killer move of Ju Senior!

Slightly squatting down, Lu Li spread his hands.

He suddenly jumped up, and when he turned somersaults in the air, a blue light flashed.

The next second, Lu Li suddenly became two.

The toes of the two Lu Lis burned with blazing fire, and they turned 360 degrees in the air.

Burning.Divide (double burning crush)!

Skull, who had become the target of attack at this moment, certainly could not sit still and wait for death.

He quickly took out the Skull memory and inserted it into the slot on the right belt, and quickly pressed the button.


The purple energy of the Skull memory quickly gathered on his right leg.

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