I finally understand why Neelam is called the hair-washing brother.

I don’t know how many times I washed my sharp hair before it felt so smooth.

Lu Li didn't feel any surprise that Neelam would agree to his request.

A game that has been around for so long without any major changes will make people feel a little tired of it.

Now let's make some changes to the game, maybe it can make the ratings of the Desire Grand Prix even higher.

Wouldn’t it be nice to get more attention from people in the future?

With a very calm expression on his face, Lu Li did not show any surprise, as if everything was as expected.

From the beginning, Lu Li had already guessed the outcome.

"I can also participate in this Desire Grand Prix, right?

Nodding without hesitation, Neelam responded with a smile.

"Of course, this Desire Grand Prix has not officially started yet, and our game guide is sending contestant invitations to the selected people...

I will arrange for her to send an invitation letter to you, Mr. Lu.

Although I know Lu Li can't use the desire drive, after all, you have your own power.

But to participate in the Desire Grand Prix, you must log in with Desire Drive and Knight Core D.

After entering the game, Mr. Lu can use your own power. After all, there is no such restriction in the Desire Grand Prix. "

There is nothing in the game rules of the Desire Grand Prix that says people with power cannot participate in the game.

People who have their own power are allowed to participate in the Desire Grand Prix.

Moreover, Neelam felt that no matter how powerful Lu Li was, he could never be stronger than the rules set by the operation.

“In that case, I will wait for the competition guide to come to me.

As for where to send it, let's send it to Mr. Kurama first. I don't have a fixed address yet. "

Lu Li didn't say a word.

That is, he has just arrived in this world, and the Desire Grand Prix can’t even find his information.

When no information could be found, it was also very difficult to find Lu Li.

"I understand, I know how to arrange it, so let's do it.

Mr. Lu, I am very much looking forward to your performance in the Desire Grand Prix, which will bring new changes to the Desire Grand Prix I produced. "

Although he was not sure whether joining Lu Li was a good thing, it was equivalent to a game attempt after all, and Nilam was willing to give it a try.

But he didn't know that Lu Li's arrival brought good ratings, but it also brought a lot of trouble.

Seeing that the two of them had reached an agreement so quickly, Kurama Guangsheng couldn't help but sigh.

Sure enough, the truth is that you still need to have strong power.

Only strong power can get everything you want

He saw the battle just now clearly.

If that battle continues, there is a high probability that Neelam will lose.

The powerful power Lu Li displayed made him feel unreal.

I didn't expect that besides people from the future, there would be people who could master such a powerful power.


Afterwards, Lu Li and Kurama Guangsheng left in a car together.

Neelam murmured as the watching vehicle disappeared from sight.

"The introduction of a new resident player, I wonder how much change it will bring to the Desire Grand Prix? It really makes me curious.

However, this is still an interesting attempt.

Lu Li... is such an interesting man.

Samas, who was the secretary, came over and asked softly:

"Do you really want to add a permanent player? If so, will the audience be dissatisfied?

Will this affect the ratings of the Desire Grand Prix? "

Her words seemed to remind Neelam.

Randomly adding some unstable factors into the game may affect the perception, thereby affecting the ratings of the Desire Grand Prix.

In fact, she was warning Neelam that the Desire Grand Prix should remain as it is.

A Ukiyo Hidetoshi has become a permanent player, which is already very troublesome. That guy is constantly exploring the secrets of operations.

Now there is another permanent player, and this was personally decided by Neelam as the game producer.

It is inevitable that it may affect operations later.

Hearing this, Neelam turned back to look at Samarth and shook his head.

"No! Samas, your view of the problem is too one-sided. Since there is one permanent player, why not have a second one?

I believe that many viewers are somewhat dissatisfied with the fact that Ukiyo Hidetoshi can become a permanent player, but there is no way, who made him make such a wish.

He has so many wins that it's hard to find a competitor who can even match him.

The appearance of Lu Li may just break this status quo.

Seeing that Neelam had already made a decision, Samas naturally couldn't say anything more, so he nodded and said no more words.

But she had already decided in her heart that she must tell Si'er about this matter.

Maybe he can use this opportunity to directly replace Neelam and become the new game producer.

At this time, Neelam did not know that the secretary who had been following him had other thoughts.

Nilam ordered after thinking of what he had promised Lu Li just now.

"Samas, go and inform Zimli and ask her to prepare the Desire Drive and Knight Core D to send to Kurama's house."


Samarth nodded slightly, showing that she had no intention of betraying Neelam.

on the car.

Kurama Guangsheng glanced at Lu Li from time to time, sitting next to him and leaning on the seat.

His eyes were full of curiosity, because at the same time his heart was full of doubts.

He really couldn't figure out who Lu Li was and what kind of power he had.

The only thing he knew was that this man was definitely not simple, and the power he possessed was probably hard to estimate.

It has the strength to suppress or even defeat Neelam, and that's not with the help of operations.

This is enough to show how powerful Lu Li is.

"Mr. Lu, could you please tell me why you want to participate in the Desire Grand Prix? And... you also want to become a permanent player?"

He had thought about whether Lu Li wanted to fulfill a wish through the Desire Grand Prix or something.

Opening his eyes, Lu Li turned to look at Kurama Guangsheng beside him, with a casual look on his face.

"This world is new to me, and I just want to have a little fun until I achieve my goal.

If I really want my wish to come true, there is no need for me to participate in the competition.

Don't you think this is a very interesting game? I'm looking forward to the reality show Desire Grand Prix game. "

Of course, it was impossible for Lu Li to say that his true purpose was the Power of Creation 857. Even if he did, there was no way that Kurama Guangsheng would know.

At most, he knows about the Goddess of Creation.

A wry smile appeared on his face, and Kurama Guangsheng said he couldn't understand.

Although after winning this game, you can realize your ideal world, the process is extremely dangerous, and you may die on the way to realize your wish.

Once you die in the game, you are truly dead and there is no way to return to the real world.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a game of gambling on life.

There are indeed many people participating in the Desire Grand Prix, but these people all have their own goals and want to realize their wishes.

There are almost no people like Lu Li who simply regard the Desire Grand Prix as a game and have fun in the game.

Of course, it was impossible for Anma Guangsheng to completely believe what Lu Li said.

Once Lu Li wins the final victory, maybe his wish will also come true.

As for what it is specifically, Kurama Guangsheng really wants to see it.

As a sponsor, he can naturally watch how the Desire Grand Prix is ​​going at any time.

Just like the audience in the future, they have their own unknown space.

Grand Prix of Desire, Temple of Desire.

As the game administrator, Kiroli is currently checking the information about the contestants participating in the Desire Grand Prix.

When he saw Ukiyo Hidetoshi's information reappearing, Kiroli's eyes changed unconsciously.

He thought it was nothing before, but Hidetoshi Ukiyo's ability was too strong.

In many of the Desire Grand Prix he participated in, he became the ultimate Desire God.

It is a reality show in itself, and the same person becomes the final winner, which will naturally cause dissatisfaction among many viewers.

In addition, Hidetoshi Ukiyo has been exploring the secrets behind the operation, which also makes Kiroli want to eliminate him."

Chapter 672: Interested Sir, Desire Drive!

There is such a rule in the Desire Grand Prix.

That is, the game administrator cannot manipulate the winning or losing of the game.

Kiroli, as the game administrator, has the right to decide the permissions of the contestants.

But when Ukiyo Hidetoshi won his first victory, he made a wish to always participate in the Desire Grand Prix.

This makes Killoli very passive and he must abide by the rules of the game.

This time, he had to give Hidetoshi Ukiyo the right to participate in the Desire Grand Prix against his will.

After all, there are so many future people watching. If he doesn't abide by the rules of the game, it will be over as a reality show.

At this time, Samas walked in from outside.

Kiroli noticed it the moment she stepped in.

Without looking back, Kiroli said solemnly.

"What are you doing here? What's wrong?"

"Lord Nilam sent me to arrange something. He asked Zimli to send a Desire Drive and Knight Core D to Kurama's house.

There is a special person who wants to participate in the Desire Grand Prix. ’

In front of Neelam, Samarth naturally had to remain humble.

But here in Killoli, Samas doesn't have to worry so much.

Kiroli is a game administrator, yes, but his position is still one level lower than that of Neelam, a game producer.

As Neelam's secretary, Samarth and Kiroli were almost at the same level, so there was no need to be so polite and humble.

After hearing what Nilam had arranged, Kiroli frowned unconsciously.

What does it mean?

Desire Drive and Knight Core D should have already decided on their candidates, all of whom he selected from the database.

Now, suddenly, a Desire Drive and Knight Core D were sent to Kurama's house.

Could it be...are there any contestants that I don't know about?

The contestants are all decided by the game administrator. Even if the game producer has a higher level, he is not qualified to dictate his work.

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