He will still be injured in the battle, and as he is injured in the battle, his combat effectiveness will gradually weaken.

"You should be the one who goes to hell!"

Utopia Dopant still refuses to admit defeat. He must snatch back the eternal memory. If it doesn't work... then destroy it.

The battle between the two is getting more intense, but as time goes by, it can be clearly seen that The combat effectiveness of the Utopia Dopant is weakening.

When fighting against the immortal Yongqi, the Utopia Dope has no advantage at all.

On the contrary, the longer the battle lasts, the weaker it will become as he walks out of the house with the tablet in hand.

When Prospect came out, he still had no intention of taking action when he saw that the battle was almost coming to an end.

The most important thing now was to wait for the electromagnetic pulse protective wall to launch an impact and eliminate the experimental subjects with low quark index.

After finishing this matter, he can slowly fight with the zombie in front of him.

As for Gatoushun, in his eyes, he is just a lackey of Consortium X. He can be replaced at any time, and it will not have much impact at all. The super soldier project plan is still going on, and Consortium X will continue to arrange people to cooperate with it.

Just as the battle is intensifying, an uninvited guest suddenly breaks in.

"I came at the right time, but I didn't expect that I had already got it."

Lu Li, who was still in Leangle.Jack.form, was holding an enhanced awakening staff in one hand and a chain hammer in the other.

Every step he took left a deep footprint on the ground.

A sudden sound interrupted

Yong Qi, Utopia Dopant and Prospect all focused their attention on Lu Li.

When they first saw Lu Li, Yong Qi felt a surge of emotion in his heart. A strange feeling.

His intuition told him that the man in front of him was very powerful, even more powerful than the Utopia Dopant.

Although the Utopia Dope did not recognize Lu Li in this state, he felt it in his heart. The two of them must have met before.

Prospect frowned and murmured.

"Could he... be the man Mina mentioned?"

Hearing this, Utopia Dopant was stunned for a moment, and immediately thought of what Prospect had said to him before.

There is a man who is looking for him, could it be the man in front of him?

"Who are you? Are you from Consortium X?"

Yong Qi took out the Eternal Dagger and looked at Lu Li warily.

As for this new person, Yong Qi didn't know who he was.

He couldn't rule out that the other person was from Consortium X and was a helper of the Utopia Dopant.

If he was really a helper, then this battle might become a little more difficult.

Wei Wei shook his head, wondering how could Lu Li be from Consortium X.

"Consortium X? No, I am not from Consortium X.

Those guys were cold and lifeless, and there was no good in being around them."

He only met the founder of

Consortium I don’t like Consortium

"Let me formally introduce myself to you. I am Lu Li. The purpose of coming here is, yes, it is for you. To be precise, it should be the Utopia memory in your hand.

Hand over the utopian dopant in your hand, and I can let you leave safely. Don't worry, I... do what I say."

The last four words, Lu Li pronounced them very strongly.

"Land from?"

Yong Qi has no impression of this name at all.

But Utopia Dopant is different. As the person in charge of the Consortium x Gaia Memory Project, he knows everything about the situation inside the museum. His brain is racing. Operation, the next second, a figure appeared in Ga Toushun's mind

"Are you Lu Li? Miss Saeko’s husband?!"Utopia Dopant was suddenly filled with doubts.

He really didn't understand why Lu Li was not in Fengdu, but went to Southeast Asia.

And the other party came for him, to be precise, for the Utopia memory in his hand.

The other party...had already planned it!

But why did he know that he was in this place?

He thought that he had hidden his whereabouts very well and should not have been exposed.

The Utopia dopant stood up reluctantly and covered his chest. , said in a deep voice

"Lu Li, since you are from the museum, I order you to fight against him with me. After killing him, I can apply to the higher authorities for more research funds for the museum!"

He didn't mention anything about the Utopia Memory. Instead, he ordered Lu Li.

In his opinion, since Lu Li is a member of the museum, and the current museum research needs to continue, he will naturally need a lot of funds.

As a consortium, he The person in charge of the x Gaia Memory Project is indeed qualified to apply for additional research funds from the consortium.

Even if he hates the person in front of him, Utopia Dopant knows that his current combat power may not be able to defeat Yongqi. I also heard that Lu Li was a very powerful guy, and it was impossible to win the favor of Sono Saki Saeko.

Since he first saw Sono Saki Saeko, he had always admired her.

Having a man has become an obstacle for both parties.

It can be said that the man in front of him is his love rival, but at this moment, he must ask for help from this love rival.......

With a slight sneer, Lu Li nodded his head with his finger.

"��make? hehe! Jiantou, have you misunderstood something? I just said that my goal is your utopian memory.

Did you not hear clearly, or is there something wrong with your brain?"

Originally, one Yongqi was enough to make Utopia Doping Body very anxious.

Now suddenly another Lu Li came, and according to the information he obtained, Lu Li was very strong.

And Yongqi had already understood at this time that Lu Li was not He is a companion of Utopia Dopant, but he is here to cause trouble for the other party.

"oh? Did you actually come to find him? But...his opponent is me now, you...get away."

However, Yong Qi will not give up his target so easily.

He must personally send the person he targets to hell.

"Although the eternal memory is just an experimental product, its power is already pretty good. Do you want to try it with me? Lu

Li raised his palms nonchalantly.

He was quite curious about how powerful the experimental T1 Eternal Memory, Dao Keji, could be.

Since it can suppress the Utopia Doped Body, its power must be quite good.

Seeing Yong Qi at this moment, Lu Li even felt like he wanted to fight him.

"Of course, but before that……"

Before he finished speaking, Yong Qi unexpectedly threw the eternal dagger in his hand.

The target was not Lu Li, nor the Utopian Dopant, but Prospect with the tablet in his hand.

The eternal dagger hit the tablet accurately.

The tablet computer that was originally controlling the electromagnetic pulse protective wall to launch an impact was instantly pierced by the eternal dagger and exploded on the spot.



Prospect, who had always been a melon-eater, didn't expect that Yongqi would suddenly attack him. He directly destroyed his control device, making it impossible for the electromagnetic pulse protective wall to launch an impact.

With a wave of his hand, the eternal dagger appeared again Back in his hands.

At this time, the electromagnetic pulse protective wall that looked like a pentagon in the sky suddenly experienced an operational failure.

"boom! boom! boom!……"

Due to internal operation problems due to malfunctions, electromagnetic pulse protective walls exploded one after another.


At this moment, Mina, who had just returned to the experimental village, led a group of experimental subjects to prepare to escape from the prison.

Escape directly from the location where Lu Li pulled out the huge hole.

On the way, they were blocked by Quark soldiers, and a fierce fight broke out between the two sides.

Suddenly, there were bursts of roaring in the sky.

Hearing the sound, everyone focused their eyes on the sky.

When they saw that the electromagnetic pulse protective wall in the sky was destroyed, they all immediately became happy.

This means that they don't have to worry about being killed by the impact released by the doctor.

Mina didn't know that Yong Qi had destroyed Dr. Prospect's tablet, and thought it was Lu Li who did all this.

"Everyone! Take this opportunity to run away!"

Hurrying to everyone, Mina ran towards the place where she came in earlier.

The others quickly followed.���The Quark soldiers were chasing after them.

They didn't know why the electronic pulse shield arm suddenly exploded, but they didn't dare to disobey Dr. Prospect.

If these experimental subjects are really released, what kind of fate awaits them is almost foreseeable.

Useless super-powered soldiers will be eliminated by the doctor like garbage

"Chase! Don't let them get away!"

The number of Quark soldiers is relatively small and their combat effectiveness is much higher. However, they are unable to cope with many experimental subjects.


Seeing Yong Qi destroying the tablet in Prospect's hand, Lu Li did not attack him suddenly.

At this time, Dao Keji still has human emotions in his heart.

Although it will gradually disappear over time, at least it still has

"Lu Li, right? Just now he said that you are a member of the museum. If so, then you are my enemy.

The museum cooperates with Consortium"

As soon as he finished speaking, Yong Qi's yellow eye horns bloomed with bright light.

Holding the eternal dagger in hand, Yong Qi quickly rushed towards Lu Li.

As for the Utopia dopant on the side, Yong Qi put it aside for the time being.

Not Yong Qi. Qi didn't want to attack the Utopia dopant first, but he knew that if he did, Lu Li would definitely intervene.

In that case, he would deal with Lu Li first, and then deal with the Utopia dopant. As for escaping from Utopia?

The dopant was already injured, and even if he tried to escape, he wouldn't be able to escape far. He was confident that he could catch up with the Utopia dopant.

The sharp eternal dagger stabbed Lu Li's chest in an instant.

Mercenaries will choose to attack directly when attacking.

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