Before he finished speaking, Lu Li lightly hooked his fingers.

Mina in front of her was instantly dragged up by a powerful force


It's so easy to drag a person up and float in the air. Even Mina can do it with great difficulty. It's quite simple to use telekinesis to blast the target away. Keeping the target suspended in the air will obviously make it easier. Difficult.

Taking a deep breath, Mina finally accepted this reality.


After all, the truth happened right in front of her. Even if she couldn't accept it for a moment, she still knew it was a fact.

After testing Lu Li's super power, Mina carefully glanced at the villa behind her and whispered.

"Lu Li, after the doctor collects the information, what will you do with him?"

She and the experimental subjects are still under the supervision of the power of the eye memory, and there are still restrictions in the brain.

As long as there is this restriction, they have no way to leave this place.

And Prospect can do it at any time Use all your power to kill them.

After hearing this, Lu Li naturally understood what Mina was worried about.

"He... wouldn't leave alive."

He only left this sentence. From the beginning, Lu Li just wanted to awaken his super powers and obtain relevant super power information.

As for Prospect, there is no need to leave him. There is not much research on super powers. Question, it can help people with high quark index awaken superpowers.

Lu Li naturally wants to stay in his hands and help people around him or his trusted subordinates to awaken superpowers.

Even if he has the power of memory, if he also has superpowers. , after becoming a dopant, it can also have stronger combat power. After spending a few hours, Prospect sorted out all the information he had studied all his life.

When he came to Lu Li with this information. There was no fear or regret on his face.

Looking at Prospect's calm face, Lu Li had a flash of doubt in his eyes.

"Are you... not worried that I will kill you?"

Shaking his head slightly, Prospect smiled calmly.

"Don't worry, because I know you will never let me go. I was afraid of death before because I hadn't perfected my superpower plan yet.

But after you awakened your superpower, I gave up on this idea.

You...are the most perfect work! He is the most perfect superpower, and I have no regrets."

As soon as he finished speaking, Prospect quietly placed the box containing the research materials on the ground.

"Come on, use your super power to give me a ride. That way... I won't have any regrets."

Slowly spreading his hands, Prospect closed his eyes.

He was quietly waiting for the last moment to come.

Seeing Prospect who was so calm, Lu Li squinted his eyes slightly.

Telepathy told Lu Li that Prospect Spector didn't lie.

What a madman!

Lu Li was not an absolute researcher. He really couldn't understand the thoughts of researchers like Prospect.

He had no regrets. Do you think it is his work?

"Then... I'll give you a ride."

Lu Li raised his hand slightly, and Prospect was instantly lifted into the air by a powerful force.

The next second, Prospect's head suddenly rotated 720 degrees, twisting twice. , the brain died instantly.

He didn't even feel any pain, and it just disappeared.

After doing all this, Lu Li threw Prospect's body back as if it were garbage. In the messy land, as for the eye memory, it had been crushed into pieces by Lu Li's terrifying telekinesis.

After all, the Gaia memory was also produced by the processing plant.

Once the upper limit is exceeded, the eye memory will be destroyed, and the restrictions imposed on Mina and many experimental subjects are also broken.

Only the black eyes appear on Mina's forehead. The pattern was then eliminated.

This meant that the restriction imposed by Prospect had been removed, and she could no longer feel the restriction in her brain when she left this place. , Mina touched her smooth forehead, a look of surprise flashed across her face.

She was... free! She was really free. She never dared to imagine that she would be free one day.

She will be a sharp knife in Prospect's hands for the rest of her life, becoming his murderous weapon.

But now, she finally got rid of control and gained her freedom.

But when she gained her freedom, Mina found herself. There was no goal.

She had no family, so where should she go?

At this time, Mina suddenly discovered that the freedom she longed for was not what she had imagined. It was so beautiful.

After gaining freedom, she felt even more confused about her future

, and she had no idea what to do in the future.

"how? Aren’t you happy to have gained your freedom? Or are you confused about your future?"

Lu Li also noticed that Mina's mood didn't seem to be very high.

The surprise was only for a moment, and after a moment, she was more confused.

Chapter 125: Conquer, Brother A's commission, the secret of the Sonosaki family, his mind was seen through , Mina didn't deny it, and nodded slightly.

Now she was really confused, not knowing what she should do and what to do.

She longed for freedom at first, but now she has no goal.

"Want to come with me?"Lu Li took the initiative to send out the invitation.

Currently, although Lu Li is very powerful, he currently does not have any powerful subordinates.

Of course, undead creatures do not count.

Mina has a variety of superpowers, and each superpower is very powerful. Not bad.

And Mina has not used the memory. Once the memory is used, the power displayed will probably be stronger... at least... not necessarily weaker than the Utopia dopant.

Of course, this also has something to do with the memory level. If it were just an ordinary product, it would naturally not have such a powerful power.

But currently, Lu Li did not have a suitable memory for Mina to use.

In order to fully exert its full power, it must be quite high. It must be suitable, otherwise it will become a drag.

Mina, who was in a depressed state at this time, looked at the hand stretched out in front of her and raised her head slightly.

She invited her sincerely. Suddenly, she felt her heart beating faster.

The man in front of her had rescued her and regained her freedom.

She was willing to give herself a destination when she was confused. She admitted that she felt a little moved when she was confused. She was willing to give him a hand, so how could she refuse?

Without any hesitation, she immediately put her hand on Lu Li's big hand.

Although she didn't reply, this action said everything.

"Let's go, it's time to leave here. I haven't been back for a while and I don't know what the situation is like at home."


Nodding heavily, Mina didn't even ask where she was going.

She only knew that she only needed to follow Lu Li. As for other things, she didn't have to worry at all.

Then, Lu Li picked up the Proto The suitcase that Spector placed on the ground was so heavy that it would be difficult for ordinary people to carry it.

It contained all the research materials for the superpower project, including not only electronic versions, but also some paper ones. Otherwise, they would not pack it in a suitcase.

Taking Mina, the two left the villa in a mess.

When passing by the experimental village, they could still see many people talking.

"what happened? Why do I feel like the restrictions in my head have disappeared?"

"It seems to be true, I feel the same way!"

"But how is that possible? Dr. Prospect is fine. Will he lift the restrictions for us?"

"What if Dr. Prospect died? If he dies, the ban can also be lifted."

"Who can kill the Doctor? It feels unlikely"


Many people were surprised as to why the restrictions in their minds disappeared, and they were all discussing and speculating on this matter.

It's not that they don't want to escape, but that they don't dare to escape easily. After throwing them a certain distance before, they can't continue to go out.

They knew very well that once they moved forward, their consciousness would be obliterated by that terrifying restriction.

In the next few days, they were not hunted down, so they no longer thought about escaping immediately. Instead, they returned to the experimental village.

Those Quark soldiers seemed to have died in the previous battle, and no one came to clean them up.

They stayed here temporarily with peace of mind, trying to figure out the situation before making a decision.

But just now, the restrictions in their minds disappeared inexplicably, which made many people excited but also confused.

Upon seeing this, Mina immediately walked over and said loudly

"Everyone, the doctor is dead, and the restrictions in everyone's heads have now been lifted.

You can go home, wherever you want."

Hearing this, the scene immediately became quiet.

Some of them had just speculated whether the doctor was dead, but others thought it was unlikely.

After all, Prospect's terrifying strength was witnessed by all of them. Who could kill him? Damn Prospect?

But Mina and the others know it and have always stood with them.

Since these words came from Mina's mouth, the credibility is very high.

"Very good! We are truly free and we can go back!"

"I miss my family so much! I thought I would never see them again!"

"I want to go back! I want to go back now!"


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