
Looking up to the sky and roaring, Terui Ryuu desperately wanted to obtain powerful power to deal with the weather dopant.

Just when he was about to give up, a voice suddenly came from the side.

"What do you want from me?"

Hearing the sound, Terui Ryuu quickly turned around and saw Shroud in a black dress walking towards this side.

Terui Ryuu, who was kneeling on the ground and yelling just now, quickly stood up from the ground and ran over quickly

"Shroud! I want new equipment! I want to become stronger!"

After learning of Terui Ryu's request, Shroud did not answer immediately, but looked at Terui Ryu quietly.

"Do you...still want revenge?"

Hearing this, Terui Ryu nodded vigorously.

"That's right! I have already met the enemy who killed my parents, but my strength is not enough to defeat him. I need stronger power!

I need new equipment now, and I hope you can make me new equipment that I can use."

His eyes were burning with rage. Until now, he could not forget the battle two days ago when he was crushed by a weather dopant.

The opponent acted so arrogantly in front of him, but he was powerless.

The power gap cannot be made up, he must obtain stronger power.

After a moment of silence, Shroud nodded.

"I understand, give me a few days and I will prepare the equipment you need."

PS: Thanks————Monthly pass for stars! grateful————Monthly pass for Forgotten Sea and Forgotten River! grateful————Monthly pass for the catastrophe!.Chapter

142 A short period of peace, a secret deal, you have to... add more money!

The reason why Shroud agreed to Terui Ryu's request was because he thought that the death of his family had a lot to do with him.

It was also because of the weather memory, which the former Shroud gave to Isaka Mikuru.

As a result, after the guy obtained the weather memory, he immediately betrayed Shroud and disappeared.

Until later, there was another freeze murder incident, and all of Terui Ryu's family members were killed, and it was all the fault of Isaka Mikuruo.

As the source of all these incidents, Shroud has the obligation to help Terui Ryuu solve this incident perfectly.

Isaka Mikuru must be eliminated to pay for his sins.

When he heard that Shroud was willing to make new equipment for himself, Terui Ryu suddenly felt happy.

He believed that as long as he became stronger, he would have a chance to deal with the weather dopant.

No matter what, he won't let the weather dopant go.

Absolutely not!

Not only to avenge his own family, but also for those who were killed by the weather dopant

"You come back here in a few days and that's it."

Shroud turned around and turned into a faint shadow and disappeared.

It was really like a ghost, coming and going without a trace, and it was completely impossible to find any trace.

"Weather dopant! Next time... I will definitely avenge them with my own hands!"

Clenching his fists tightly, Terui Ryu's eyes were particularly determined.

Then, he rode away on his motorcycle.

Since the horrific battle two days ago, the whole wind seemed to have calmed down.

There was no adulteration at all. There has been no trace of adulteration in Fengdu.

Although it is very comfortable, it does make people feel a little uncomfortable.

The reason why Fengdu has been very peaceful these days is not. Because all the adulterants have disappeared, and the museum has just undergone a major overhaul.

At this time, the adulterants naturally need to be careful not to be liquidated as rebels.

But after two days, the museum is now.

The quiet and peaceful Fengdu has also been completely reorganized.


At night, Fengdu's style is extremely comfortable.

Even though it is winter, the wind here does not give people a feeling of cold wind.

However, in such a quiet and peaceful Fengdu, transactions that have never been known to the public are going on in a secret corner.

I saw a man in a coat conducting a hidden transaction with a man in a black museum employee uniform.

"This is the information you want. Where is my money?"

The museum employee didn't say anything. He calmly took out an envelope with a lot of stuff inside. When he saw the envelope, the man in the coat smiled.

Isn't this the reason why he sells information? Isn't this the reason why he sells information

? Taking the money and handing over the information, both parties took what they needed.

As for how much was in the envelope, the man in the coat did not count it, and there was no need for the other party to deceive him on this matter. After all, cooperation was not just about cooperation. once

"Put your hands up!"

At this moment, a voice suddenly came from the side.

When he heard the voice, the man in the coat suddenly stiffened and turned his head to look.

He saw two black holes with the muzzles pointed at him.

And holding these two He was also familiar with the people with the guns, Ryu Terui, the head of the Paranormal Crime Investigation Section, and Toshi Makura, his subordinate.

Unexpectedly, he would be suspected once others knew what he was doing secretly. You can imagine what the outcome will be.

I'm afraid... he will have to spend his whole life in prison.

This is not what he wants to see.

"ice room! Hands up, I'm Ryu Terui from the Paranormal Crime Investigation Division.

Ever since I learned that there was a traitor in the police leaking information to the Gaia memory sales gang, I have been targeting you. Now... follow me back!"Terui Ryu warned with a cold face.

Makura Shun on the side followed him very loudly.

"That's right, Himuro, surrender immediately!"

Hinemuro is this man wearing a coat. He is not an ordinary person, but a police officer from the Fengdu Police Department.

No.���, he is not satisfied with his income.

After all, he is not young now. He has worked hard for so long, but still doesn't have much income.

At his age, there are not many things that require money. The income of being a police officer is simply not enough.

"I'll leave it to you to sort out the tail."

Now that they have been discovered, we cannot let these guys leave alive.

Otherwise, we will really be done with it in the future.

Then, Himuro left here quickly.

Terui Ryuu wanted to catch up, but was stopped by the museum's The employee stopped

"Bang bang!"

The museum employees clapped their hands lightly.

The next second, several museum employees rushed out of the surrounding area, surrounding Ryu Terui and Toshi Makura.

Not only that, they all took out mass-produced makeup memory


Several people instantly turned into costumed hybrids.


Seeing that these guys in front of him were all doped bodies, Makura Shun's eyes widened immediately.

He originally thought that these guys were just ordinary people, but he didn't expect that these guys were all doped bodies.

What to do now?!

He was so scared that Makura Jun fainted because he was too nervous.

Seeing such useless Makura Jun, Terui Ryu didn't feel that what he did was bad. It was a good job.

Because he fainted, Terui Ryu didn't have to worry about his identity being exposed when he transformed.

"Passed out? Just right! Saved me a lot of effort."

As soon as he finished speaking, Terui Ryu immediately took out the drive and acceleration memory.



Although the cosmetic dopant possesses the power of a memory, it is not powerful. It is only a bit higher than ordinary people.

As a mass-produced memory, there is no problem for ordinary use. After all, the production cost is cheap.

Really It would be no problem to deal with ordinary people, but what they encountered was the police cavalry, who knocked them to the ground.

Then, he used the engine to drive to the extreme. All the doped bodies were destroyed in an instant.

After doing all this, he quickly chased in the direction where Himuro had just escaped. At this time, before he could breathe a sigh of relief, Himuro heard it. A whistling sound came from the side.

When he turned around, he found a very powerful-looking dopant standing behind him.

"Ice room, long time no see."

The other party's voice sounded very familiar, and Himuro swallowed hard.

"Are you...Mizoguchi? wrong! impossible! You should be dead already!"

He shook his head vigorously in disbelief. He remembered very clearly that after Mizoguchi discovered what he had done, he had already had someone get rid of him.

It can't be Mizoguchi!

The adulterant body has a pink body and a head. It looked like a triceratops hybrid!

Seeing the triceratops hybrid approaching step by step, Himuro felt the murderous aura on the opponent's body and quickly turned around to escape.

At this time, the police cavalry happened to come from behind. He caught up.

He had just arrived, but the Triceratops dopant released a ball of purple energy, which instantly annihilated Himuro. He finally caught the suspect, but now he was killed by the dopant. The policeman looked very ugly.

"To kill people and silence them?"

Recalling the previous attempts to prevent him from dressing up as a doped body, the policeman naturally came to this conclusion.

Noting that the Triceratops doped body was about to leave, the policeman could not just watch the other person slip away.

"Don't try to escape!"

After several rounds of fighting between the two sides, the Triceratops dopant directly seized the opportunity to escape.

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