The angry W immediately rushed towards Lu Li.

Just like what I said just now, the strength on the fang side is too strong now, and the strength on the ace side can no longer keep up.

Even with this movement that cannot fly, W is even a little awkward and very uncoordinated.

Shotaro Zuo could feel that his power was insufficient, but he couldn't explain why.

He just wanted to do his best to cooperate with Phillip, but even so, he was still holding back.

W, who was physically coordinated before, was unable to fight against Lu Li, let alone W who was completely uncoordinated now.

He grabbed the fist that W hit, and the strength on the side of the fangs was obviously increased, making him more aggressive than before.

But it is precisely because the trump card cannot keep up that the combat effectiveness is weakened as before.

"I have already said that if you and the half-hearted people are forced to cooperate together, their combat effectiveness will only be greatly reduced. Why don't you believe it?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Lu Li threw away W's arm and hit him on the chest with a fierce elbow.

"Woo ah~!!"

W has no strength to resist at all, and was sent flying far away after being hit by an elbow.


Smashed it against the incompletely constructed building nearby, causing smoke and dust all over the sky.

Although Phillip had a tendency to become stronger, it was not enough. Lu Li needed to help him.

Of course, it was impossible to give help for free, Lu Li It has its own purpose.

Shroud should have already made the extreme memory, but the current extreme memory is not in the most complete state. The current extreme memory is 1.9 the same as the extreme memory made by Lu Li before. It's a semi-finished product

, not a finished product.

In order to become a finished product, Philip must use the power of the ultimate memory and reach an agreement with the earth's data. Only in this way can it become the most complete ultimate memory.

, that is, to reach the complete limit memory.

The limit memory has not been released yet, so

Lu Li took out three awakening cards in an instant, namely the Heart 4 Floating Dragonfly, the Heart 5 Diamond Digging Conch and the Heart. 6.

Use these three awakening cards of Hurricane Eagle to swipe through the awakening device components in sequence.



"Tornado (eagle)!"

The phantoms of the three awakening cards appeared behind Lu Li, and then merged into his body. As soon as the body spun quickly, a black tornado took Lu Li into the sky.

The body spun rapidly, and the fangs swirled before The kick had the same effect.

Lu Li concentrated the energy of the black tornado, and the target was exactly where the W hit just now. , as if it had turned into a dark spinning top, thrusting crazily towards the ground.


The crazy spinning black top instantly passed through W who had just stood up, and the energy crazily eroded W's body.


W's screams sounded.

Terrifying energy spread in his body.

The next second, he saw W falling weakly towards the ground.

And in the process of falling, the armor on his body turned into countless debris, randomly It floated in the air until it disappeared.

Philip, who had released his transformation, fell straight to the ground.

Chapter 152: Do I need to breathe? As a cadre candidate! Lu Li, the initiator of all this, stood quietly in front of him, looking back at Philip who was now unconscious.

This was the result he wanted.

Lu Li raised his head slightly and looked at the empty sky. murmured in the mouth

" should be coming."

At this time, next to the Spin Sprint.

After his consciousness returned to his body, Zuo Shotaro immediately woke up.

Before he released the transformation, he could clearly feel that Philip's body had been severely injured.

And Philip's painful wailing sound was like A sharp sword stabbed him in the chest


Zuo Shotaro, who woke up, got up and rushed towards Phillip's position crazily.

When he saw Phillip lying unconscious on the ground, he ran over in a hurry.

For the first time, he suddenly found that he seemed to be He was afraid of losing Philip as his partner.

It was also the first time that he felt that he needed Philip so much. The two of them were like family members. He still vividly remembered the scene when they lived together.

He understood that he was unwilling to lose such a close partner no matter what.

Lying next to Phillip, Zuo Shotaro roared heartbreakingly.


He is completely unsure of what Phillip's current situation is, and he doesn't know if Phillip has anything going on.

If he had known earlier, he should have chosen to retreat.

If it hadn't been for his desperate move, it would not have ended up like this.

He didn't The person I like the closest to leaves me again.

Unknowingly, both of them have become the closest people, even indispensable family members.

But it is because of one of my wrong decisions that this situation has occurred. Happened.

His heart was full of regret, but there is no regret medicine in this world!

Noticing the dust on his face, Zuo Xiangtaro reached out his hand slightly and found that Philip didn't seem to be breathing. Philip: I'm not human at all! How can I breathe normally? )

Suddenly, Zuo Xiangtaro's eyes widened and he glared at Lu Li fiercely.......It's Philip again.

The man in front of him had unknowingly taken away so many important people from him.

For Shotarou Zuo, it can be said that they have sworn hatred.

"Land from!!!"

Roaring, Zuo Xiangtaro was angrier than ever before.

He stood up and rushed towards Lu Li crazily, raising his fists. Zuo Xiangtaro wanted to fight Lu Li with his physical strength.

At this time, Lu Li, who was waiting for the ultimate memory, attacked him Without any interest at all, with a wave of his hand, an invisible force instantly blasted Zuo Shotaro away.


With a scream, Zuo Xiangtaro was knocked far away by this invisible force.

After falling to the ground, he rolled several times and passed out.

He is just an ordinary person. How can he resist Lu Li with his physical strength? Are you dreaming? ?


At this time, in Shroud's secret base.

She was busy making new equipment for Terui Ryu. She had to find a way to repay the sins she had committed no matter what.

At this moment, the sensor on her fang memory fed back the information that Philip's current state was very dangerous.

This forced Shroud to immediately stop what he was doing.

Is Philip in danger?

She never expected this situation.

With the power of Fang Ace, Philip will not necessarily be in a very dangerous state even when facing weather dopant.

Unless... his opponent is not a weather dopant, but someone more terrifying than a weather dopant.

There are only two possibilities for people who can be more terrifying than weather dopant in Shroud.

One is the forbidden dopant that has been strengthened, and the other is Lu Li.

The forbidden dopant should not hurt Phillip so much, so there was only one possibility left, and that was... Lu Li.

But she couldn't understand why Lu Li chose to attack Phillip?

She still doesn't know what the reason is and what the entanglement is.

But Philip is currently in a dangerous state, which is an indisputable fact.

There is no other way, she can only choose to use extreme memory

"Go and bring Philip back.‖"

A bird-shaped memory quickly flew out of the secret base, turned into a golden stream of light, and quickly rushed to Philip's location.

"Lu Li, what on earth are you thinking about now? Why did you suddenly attack Phillip?"

She really couldn't understand what Lu Li's purpose was for doing this.

If she knew that the reason why Lu Li did this was to elicit the ultimate memory and help Phillip further evolve, she would be really speechless.

The ultimate memory, It is the most powerful memory produced by Shroud.

Of course, if you want to use the power of this extreme memory, you must have Philip, and Philip is the key to activating the memory of the earth. Only in this way can W be strengthened to its maximum strength.

While he couldn't figure it out for the time being, Shroud also noticed another thing, that is, the

Fang Ace's coordination was obviously declining during the battle.

She became stronger, and the other half, Zuo Shotaro, couldn't keep up with the stronger Phillip. Because of W's drag, it was meaningless for her to persuade Phillip to continue to cooperate with Zuo Shotaro.

Strong, the gap between them will become wider and wider, and the drag will become more serious by then.

"well! Come on, why did you choose him?"

Sighing slightly, Shroud really couldn't understand why Phillip was so sure of Zuo Shotaro.

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