He grabbed Zuo Shotaro and hid aside. He was still not sure what the situation was now.

Suddenly, a rapid sound came

"Someone has invaded! Go quickly, we must not let them escape!"

The two of them didn't know how they were exposed. I'm afraid they hadn't been able to evade all the surveillance equipment just now.

Just when the two of them were thinking about what to do, there was a sudden sound from above.

"Come on, are you a petty thief... or a corporate spy?

But no matter what it is, it's just a small animal that accidentally entered hell."

I saw the taboo doped body transformed by Sonosaki Saeko floating in the air, looking for the intruder.

Shotaro Zuo looked over following the sound, and vaguely saw the appearance of the taboo doped body through the gap.

His eyes widened. , everyone was frightened


Narumi Shokichi on the side realized that this matter might not be that easy.

The taboo dopant will not be left to Shotaro Zuo to deal with. He can only do this.

So if you want to find the child of destiny, you can only Leave the mission to Shotaro Zuo

"Shotaro, now, the first order for you is to stay here with this and don't move."

Before he finished speaking, he handed the suitcase in his hand to Shotarou Zuo.

This thing is of little use to him now. After all, no one from Sonosaki has been able to rescue him yet, so naturally he cannot transform.

The only thing that can be used is his own. Lost Drive.

Taking the suitcase, Shotaro Zuo knew that the uncle must be preparing to transform and kill this monster.

"Remember, don't leave here."

Narukai Shokichi warned again and again.

He didn't want Zuo Shotaro to be in danger.

Bringing the opponent here was already very dangerous. He didn't want Zuo Shotaro to be in danger in the next battle.

Chapter 36 Coming Count your sins, intruder.

Zuo Shotarou had already known that Narumi Shokichi could use the power of the memory and did not stop him.

He believed in his uncle's strength and could walk out of the maintenance channel. Narumi Shokichi naturally attracted the attention of the soldiers.

After taking off his white suit, he saw that there were many people on the other side, and he did not show any intention of retreating.

They were just some soldiers, and there was nothing to be afraid of..

After seeing the invasion, a group of security soldiers rushed up on the spot without saying a word, but what greeted them was nothing but fists as big as sandbags.


A fierce punch hit one of them on the face, and two teeth flew out of the man's mouth instantly.

The security guards behind also rushed forward one after another, but without exception, they were all deflated.

You can see It turns out that Narumi Shokichi has a strong fighting ability.

Seeing that there was no way to subdue Narumi Shokichi, all the security guards took out their costume memories.


Insert the memory into the interface on the neck.

When the costume memory is integrated into the body, all the security guards change into costume doping bodies.

The costume memory is not the official version of the memory. Instead, it will be used as a mass-produced type.

The strength will be improved to a certain extent, but the improvement will not be too significant. Compared with other doped bodies, the combat effectiveness is very different.

However, it is a mass-produced type, and the manufacturing cost is low. Used on a large scale.

A group of identically dressed dopant people quickly surrounded Narumi Shokichi.

Looking at so many dope dopers, there was a flash of understanding in his eyes that this was indeed the enemy's headquarters. , almost all of them were memory users.

At this time, the taboo dopant slowly fell from above.

"Although you are a little thief, of course you still have some skills, but unfortunately, I am afraid you can only stay here today."

Condensing a strange and coquettish energy ball in her hand, the taboo dopant was not prepared to leave Narumi Shokichi behind.

In her opinion, maybe he was just another little thief who came to steal the memory, or else he was a spy from another company. It had also happened before. It's happened a lot, so there's nothing surprising about it.

Narumi Shokichi's face remained calm as he slowly took off the white gentleman's hat on his head.

"Only when you are mentally prepared to be shot can you be qualified to shoot. Are you ready?"

These words are a bit inexplicable, which makes Taboo Dope feel quite strange.

How can this person be so calm when facing monsters and death?

"I've never used Gaia memory in my work, but now I can't help it."

Before he finished speaking, Narumi Shokichi had already buckled the Lost Drive around his waist.

After noticing the Lost Drive, the strange and coquettish energy ball in the hand of the Taboo Dope disappeared automatically.

"Lost on the drive?! How come you have this? Could it be that……?!"

A possibility suddenly occurred to her.

The man in front of me is probably the one who destroyed Gaia's memory many times... the dead skull!!

At this time, Narumi Shokichi also took out the Skull memory



A dazzling purple light flashed.

Countless black fragments quickly surrounded Narumi Shokichi, wrapped around him, and finally turned into a black armor.

Incomparably dark eyes, and a lightning symbol on his forehead.

Kamen Rider Skull!

Putting the gentleman's hat on his smooth head, Skull pointed at the taboo dopant with his right hand and said the most classic line.

"Okay, let’s count your sins."

The next second, the battle broke out instantly


In the lounge of the institute.

Lu Li, who was recuperating in the lounge, finally woke up from his sweet dream.

The consumption of mental energy made Lu Li a little uncomfortable.

But after this experience, the situation will be much better next time we enter the Earth Library.

After getting up and stretching, Lu Li was resurrected with full blood.

"Woo~! Woo~!……"

The sirens sounded loudly one after another.

Lu Li frowned slightly.

Obviously, he hasn't figured out what the situation is yet.

I just woke up from a nap, why did the alarm trigger inexplicably?


At this time, a staff member from the research institute ran in and said quickly

"Lord Lu Li, there is an intruder!"

When he learned that there was an intruder, Lu Li immediately raised his eyebrows.

Good guy!

It can't be... really such a coincidence, right?

Could it be that tonight is... the starting night?

"Where are the intruders?"

Hearing the questioning, the staff quickly said

"I was in the equipment area at the bottom of the research institute just now. I don’t know what the situation is now."

Lu Li also knew that he might not be able to find anything useful if he continued to ask, so he might as well go find it himself.

"Protect the data, the next step... the battle will probably be very fierce."

After saying that, Lu Li rushed out of the room.

He wanted to see if Narumi Shokichi and Zuo Shotaro were here.


After a while, Lu Li arrived at the center of the rooftop of the research institute he had visited.

Here, there is a seemingly strange-shaped tower.

Gaia Tower.

There are many pipes at the top of the tower, connecting various equipment in the institute.

Arriving here, Lu Li happened to see Sonosaki's people trapped at the bottom of the Gaia Tower.

To be precise, I am not trapped here, because this place was built for the people of Sonosaki.

Sonosaki had obviously noticed Lu Li.

"You...are the person in the library!"

He was very sure that Lu Li was the person he saw.

Lu Li was not surprised at all that the other person recognized him.

"Yo, we meet again."

Sonosaki has a very smart brain. It is normal for him to be able to remember himself deeply after seeing him once.

What's more, he is the only person who can enter the Earth Library at present, so he will definitely understand Before the two could chat

, a man carrying a suitcase suddenly came here.

The man carrying the suitcase was the reason why Sonosaki was teleported to Gaia Tower. , because when he was talking to the other party just now, he impulsively pushed the other party into a device.

PS: Thank you.————Bing Xing Mengruo Weichen’s monthly ticket!.Chapter

37 The entire human race...is sinful! (Additional update!)

When he saw Lu Li, Zuo Xiangtaro's eyes widened.

"It's you?!"

Of course, Zuo Xiangtaro knows Lu Li, this strange client.

I heard that the uncle analyzed it last time and found that this person should not be a user of Gaia memory.

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